ISHAM NEWS! (21-10-2009)
ISHAM Member, An International Laboratory Fusarium Workshop will be organized by Sofia Schulze (
and Ludwig Pfenning (
at the Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto, Argentina, 1-12 March, 2010. For information,
see here.
10th International Conference on Molecular Epidemiology and Evolutionary
Genetics of Infectious Diseases (MEEGID X) will take place in Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
November, 3-5, 2010. The organizers are currently calling for abstracts for
poster presentations with an abstract deadline of June 4, 2010. Selected
submissions may be offered an oral presentation slot. For further information
see here.
In 2010
Taylor & Francis will be delighted to launch Mycology: An International Journal on Fungal Biology.
This new journal, which is the official journal of the Mycological
Society of China, aims to provide a platform to meet the
needs of a demanding and growing field, and to serve and engage dialogue
between Chinese mycologists and the international community.
An ESCMID Conference on Invasive Fungal
Infections will be organized in Rome, Italy, 18 - 19 February 2010. For information, click here.
The 5th Trends in Medical Mycology (TIMM)
will take place in the Valencia Conference Centre, Valencia, Span, 2-5 October
2011. The website is
The next European Congress on Clinical Microbiology and
Infectious Diseases (ECCMID) will take place in Vienna, Austria, 10-13 April,
2010. A medical mycology section is scheduled. For information, see here.
Mycology 47 issue 7 has appeared, you can find it free of charge in your ISHAM member area. For
your convenience we list the contents below:
sensing G protein-coupled receptors: interesting targets for antifungals?, Pages
671 - 680
Patrick Van Dijck
of non- Candida albicans Candida species: quantification, structure and
matrix composition, Pages 681 - 689
Sónia Silva; Mariana Henriques; António Martins; Rosário Oliveira; David
Williams; Joana Azeredo
Candida biofilms in scanning electron microscopy, Pages 690 - 696
Astrid Helga Paulitsch; Birgit Willinger; Benedikt Zsalatz; Edith
Stabentheiner; Egon Marth; Walter Buzina
to caspofungin activates Cap and Hog pathways in Candida albicans, Pages 697 -
Judy Kelly; Raymond Rowan; Malachy Mccann; Kevin Kavanagh
Activity of Turkish Honey against Candida spp. and Trichosporon
spp: an in vitro evaluation, Pages 707 - 712
of Mexican Cryptococcus neoformans and C. gattii isolates by
PCR-fingerprinting, Pages 713 - 721
L. R. Castañón Olivares; K. Martínez Martínez; R. M. Bermúdez Cruz; M. A.
Martínez Rivera; W. Meyer; R. A. Arreguín Espinosa; R. López Martínez; G. M.
Ruiz Palacios Y Santos
TLR-4 and dectin-1 expression in human monocytes and neutrophils stimulated by
Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, Pages 722 - 733
Camila Vicente Bonfim; Ronei Luciano Mamoni; Maria Heloisa Souza Lima Blotta
malate synthase of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis Pb01 is required in the
glyoxylate cycle and in the allantoin degradation pathway, Pages 734 - 744
Patrícia Fernanda Zambuzzi-Carvalho; Aline Helena Da Silva Cruz; Ludier Kesser
Santos-Silva; Alfredo Miranda Goes; Célia Maria De Almeida Soares; Maristela
of Blastomyces dermatitidis : the Ammonia Hypothesis, Pages 745 - 752
Dennis J. Baumgardner
testing of amorolfine, bifonazole and ciclopiroxolamine against Trichophyton
rubrum in an in vitro model of dermatophyte nail infection, Pages
753 - 758
Martin Schaller; Claudia Borelli; Ursula Berger; Birgit Walker; Sybille
Schmidt; Günther Weindl; Andreas Jäckel
dynamics of secreted protease genes in Trichophyton rubrum induced by key
host's proteinaceous components, Pages 759 - 765
Wenchuan Leng; Tao Liu; Jin Wang; Ruoyu Li; Qi Jin
due to Phialemonium species: case report and review, Pages 766 - 774
María Rivero; Angel Hidalgo; Ana Alastruey-Izquierdo; Maite Cía; Luis Torroba;
Juan Luis Rodríguez-Tudela
(Pichia) ohmeri fungemia in a pediatric patient admitted in a public
hospital, Pages 775 - 779
Jadson Duque De Barros; Suerda Maria Nogueira Do Nascimento; Fernanda Janaína
Silva De Araújo; Regina De Fátima Dos Santos Braz; Vania Sousa Andrade; Bart
Theelen; Teun Boekhout; Maria Teresa Illnait-Zaragozi; Maria Narriman Guimarães
Gouveia; Maria Conceição Fernandes; Maria Goretti Lins Monteiro; Maria Tereza
Barreto De Oliveira
isolation of Blastomyces dermatitidis from the nares of dogs: Northern
Wisconsin, USA, Pages 780 - 782
Niqole Varani; Dennis J. Baumgardner; Charles J. Czuprynski; Daniel P. Paretsky.

Hello youngsters!
we have the following news for you:
Check and create your own account. Get in contact with other young scientist from
all over the world.

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Don’t worry we understand that especially for young scientist it may be difficult to afford the subscription
fee, a special fund (The Carolyn Halden Fund) exists to provide member's
subscriptions for one or two years. Students and scientist from developing
countries will be supported in first line. Just write a mail explaining why you
would like to be supported to the General
Secretary of ISHAM.

Send us your favorite!
You would like to publish your
full thesis online and send out an ISHAM News alert to attract international
attention to your work. Send us a PDF file of your thesis and we will put
your thesis online and make it available for other scientists on ‘Young ISHAM’
webpage member area.
Your ‘Young ISHAM’ Team.
If you are
interested in becoming a member please complete the on-line application form:
application will be processed as rapidly as possible. On admission to
membership you will be required to pay your first year's subscription fee
(currently $50.00 US). You will then receive the current year's issues of Medical Mycology,
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news alerts and ISHAM-SOS service, have access to the ISHAM
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also be entitled to vote at the ISHAM General Assembly.
In case
your circumstances make it difficult
to afford the subscription fee, a special fund (The Carolyn
Halden Fund) exists to provide member's subscriptions for one or two years.
Please explain your situation to the General Secretary.
under 35 and having a great career in mind become ISHAM member. You will get
your money back when you participate in the next ISHAM congress, see . Young members
present in Tokyo will receive an
extra gift worth $ 100,-; Click here for further information.
