ISHAM NEWS! (07-12-2016)
Dear ,
It’s midwinter in The Netherlands, still one and a
half year to go to the ISHAM congress in Amsterdam. Despite the darkness, the city is full of light, see
Next ISHAM News will be devoted to the congress, and your contribution to the
program. Please stimulate your colleagues to submit suggestions for
presentations and symposia.

On 29 June, 2018, a one-day course on histopathology will be given by Henrik Jensen as a pre-congress activity of the 20st ISHAM
congress in Amsterdam. This is a unique opportunity to study this area,
the course will be given at the Utrecht University Hospital. |
The 10th European Meeting on Molecular
Diagnostics (EMMD 2017) will take place in Noordwijk aan Zee, The
Netherlands, 11-13 October 2017. Full information can be found here. |
A PhD Thesis
on Sporothrix, written by Anderson Rodrigues, is available for ISHAM
members at the Thesis area of our website here. |
The 7th
Advanced Lecture Course on Human Fungal Pathogens (HFP2017) will take
place May 13-19, 2017 at La Colle Sur Loup, France. More information is
available here.
Please send an e-mail to to join the mailing list. Abstract submission deadline is February 1, 2017. |
The 7th
Congress of European Microbiologists (FEMS 2017) will be organized in
Valencia, Spain, 9-13 July, 2017. This is one of the major meetings in microbiology.
Check here for info and registration.
Centre for Medical Mycology in Aberdeen, Scotland has tenure track positions available in Bioinformatics and in Adaptive Immunity. See here for
information. |
A course
on “Clinical Mycology: From the bench to the bedside” will be given in
Nijmegen, The Netherlands, February 19-22, 2017. Full information can be found here. |
The 7th
Euro Global Summit on Clinical Microbiology will be held in Amsterdam,
The Netherlands, 27-28 February 2017. This is the website. |
Fungus-specific updates, called “Mycology Minutes” will be organised by MSG
as an enduring CME activity based on content presented at the 2016 ASM Meeting
in Boston. Click here for information. |
The European
Society for Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) has Collaborative
Centres in numerous countries, in Europe as well as elsewhere. ESCMID
offers observerships for short educational visits. Click here for information. |
Mycology 2017, with
the theme “Impact of Mycology and Mushrooms in
addressing ultimate global health challenges”, will be held in Chicago,
USA, 25-26 September, 2017. For information, click here.
Do you have anything to announce to the active community of workers
in all fields of medical mycology, free of charge? Please send a link to your
event to