ISHAM NEWS! (03-01-2017)

Dear , The ISHAM News team wishes you a great 2017! As a first and exciting activity, you are invited to submit your proposals for a symposia or workshops for the 20st ISHAM Congress in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 30 June - 4 July 2018, via this link. This includes proposals for ISHAM Working Group sessions. Deadline for submission of proposals is 1 March, 2017.

A booklet on medicinal mushrooms has been published; get your free download here.

David Denning and Flavio Queiros Telles took the initiative to get chromoblastomycosis – a mutilating skin disease caused by black fungi – on the World Health Organization List of Neglected Tropical Diseases. The document can be found here.

The European Confederation of Medical Mycology (ECMM) has indicated the Manchester ECMM Excellence Centre based at the Mycology Reference Centre Manchester (MRCM), in partnership with the National Aspergillosis Centre (NAC), both sited at the University Hospital of South Manchester (UHSM) in Wythenshawe, UK. A launch ceremony will be held on 11 January 2017 at UHSM which is open to everyone free of charge; please register here.

The 51st Annual Scientific Conference of the German Mycological Society (DMykG) will be held in Münster, Germany, 31 August - 2 September 2017. Registration and abstract submission will be possible from January 2017 onward. Contact via email.

The next meeting of the Israel Association of Medical Mycology will be held on March 6, 2017. The program may be accessed here.

Abdullah Al-Hatmi published a PhD Thesis on Fusarium diversity and antifungals. Some hard copies are still available (; the electronic version can be found in the member area.

On 10 February 2017 it is the 100 year anniversary of the first female professor in The Netherlands, Johanna Westerdijk, at the University of Utrecht. She was the first director of the Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures (CBS). This is commemorated with a meeting, for which the program can be found here.

The latest Newsletter of LIFE (Leading International Fungal Education) is freely available via this link, with notes on molecular ID in paraffin-embedded tissue, micafungin, fungal allergy, histoplasmosis and other interesting subjects.

Published by the University of Manchester and the Mycology Reference Centre Manchester, a free iBook is available: Illustrative Cases in Medical Mycology, authored by Cara Holmes, Riina Rautemaa-Richardson, Lily Novak-Frazer, Caroline Moore and Malcolm Richardson. To download click here.

Do you have anything to announce to the active community of workers in all fields of medical mycology, free of charge? Please send a link to your event to

Copyright © 2016. ISHAM The International Society for Human and Animal Mycology.