ISHAM NEWS! (19-01-2017)
Dear ,
you are invited to submit
your proposals for symposia or workshops for the 20st ISHAM
Congress in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 30 June - 4 July 2018, via this link. Help us to compose an exciting, diverse
and balanced program! Deadline for submission of proposals is 1 March, 2017.
Please note that this is NOT a call for individual abstracts; these are due in
2018 only.

The ISHAM Working Group
Chromoblastomycosis will organise its next workshop in Havana,
Cuba, 5-8 December 2017, at the occasion of the 80st anniversary of the
Tropical Medicine Institute. For info, contact Tere Illnait. |
The 44th Annual Conference
on Yeast, with a section on medical mycology will take place
in Smolenice, Slovakia, 2-5 May, 2017. Information can be found
The 2nd ISHAM-Gilead
Forum on Fungal Infections in the Middle East will be held
in Dubai, 5-6 May 2017. This initiative will be the second meeting following the inaugural
meeting in 2016 and is supported by Gilead Sciences who are collaborating with
ISHAM on this project to broaden the latest expert knowledge and updates on
fungal infections in the middle east region. For more information contact: Apothecom. |
The ISHAM Asia Fungal
Working Group has a new website, see here.
Several centers worry about outbreaks of Candida
auris, a newly emerging yeast. Some practical information is
provided on the ISHAM website here and here.
The ISHAM Working Group
on Nomenclature now is reachable via the ISHAM website
here. Subscription to the mailing list is free, and provides free access to
recent papers that contain significant taxonomic information and name
changes of medical and veterinary fungi. |
A course on Diagnostic
Medical Mycology is run by the British Society for
Medical Mycology 3-17 April 2017. Full information is provided by Ruth Ashbee.
The 7th International Coccidioidomycosis Symposium takes place in Stanford, USA, 10-13 August 2017. Click here for
the website. |
University Hospital of South Manchester has become the first hospital in the UK
and Europe to be recognised as a centre of excellence for the diagnosis and treatment of
aspergillosis and other fungal infections. See more
here. |
Do you have anything to announce to the active community of workers
in all fields of medical mycology, free of charge? Please send a link to your
event to