ISHAM NEWS! (19-04-2017)

Dear , The program of the 20st ISHAM congress, 30 June – 4 July 2018 in Amsterdam, has 40 symposia, 8 plenary sessions, several satellites, and a variety of pre- and post-congress activities; follow the next ISHAM News. We aim to keep a few slots open until the last moment for exciting developments. Thus good ideas remain welcome!

The ISHAM Working Group Veterinary Mycology will organize its 3rd course in veterinary mycology in Maisons-Alfort, France, 18-22 December 2017. For registration, click here.  

A short course on diagnosis and therapy of fungal diseases will be held on  9 and 10 October 2017 in Belgrade, Serbia, as a post-congress activity of TIMM-8. For information and registration, click here.

The 20st Symposium on Infections in the Immunocompromised Host will be held in Athens, Greece, 17-19 June 2018. All information can be found here.

On 5-6 June 2017 the fourth meeting of the ECMM/ISHAM working group on Fungal Respiratory Infections in Cystic Fibrosis will be held in Osuna, Seville, Spain. More info can be found here, tentative program here and registration form here. There will be a grant to attend the meeting for a young-ISHAM member (being ISHAM member < 40 years old) covering travel and accommodation costs. Submit your abstract and apply for the grant specifying your Y-ISHAM membership in the email before 21 April 2017.

The Radboud Center for Infectious Diseases (RCI) in collaboration with EURO-CMC organizes the first Frontiers International Conference on Disease Mechanisms Underlying Fungal Infections and Chronic Mucocutaneous Candidiasis, 25-27 October 2017. An international group of experts in the field will present their work and young scientists are given the opportunity to speak. Best oral and poster presentation prizes will be given. Click here for the flyer.

The abstract deadline for TIMM-8 (Trends in Medical Mycology) in Belgrade, Serbia, 6-9 October 2017 is 1 June. Check the website here.

A meeting on aspergillosis was held in Sari, Iran, 8-10 November 2016. For a short report, click here.

An illustrated Atlas of Fungi has been published. The book is available at HK$ 300 from the author, Antonio Ngan.

The 7th International Coccidioidomycosis Symposium will take place in Stanford, USA, 10-13 August 2017. This is the website. Abstracts are due by 30 June 2017.

Do you have anything to announce to the active community of workers in all fields of medical mycology, free of charge? Please send a link to your event to

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