ISHAM NEWS! (19-05-2017)

Dear , The main traits of the program of 20st ISHAM Congress in Amsterdam are nearing completion and will soon appear on the website. Abstract submission will be possible from 1 August onwards. Note that there are several pre- and post-congress activities: workshops on dermatophytes, black yeasts and chromoblastomycosis, veterinary mycology, a course on histopathology, and more to come. If your organization wishes to have a meeting or otherwise, please contact the organization.

ISHAM provides a number of grants for Amsterdam congress participation to Young-ISHAM members. Note that for application continued membership of ISHAM is necessary, thus do not forget to pay your dues for 2017! An application form will soon be available on the congress website

We started a Congress Blog with touristic information around the congress, that may make your life pleasant during your stay in Amsterdam. This will involve walking through the historical city, boating through the canals, cycling through romantic villages just a mile away from the congress venue, and much more. Just check the site regularly for new additions.

The online registration system for ImResFun2017, a conference to discuss our current state-of-the-art knowledge concerning the molecular basis of fungal pathogen-host interactions, is now open. You may start your registration process here. ImResFun will take place from September 3-7, 2017 in Innsbruck, Austria.

The 2nd International Clinical Mycology Master Class, entitled  Challenges in Diagnosis and Management of Invasive Fungal Diseases will be held 23-25 November 2017 in Izmir, Turkey. For registration and more information, click here.

The French College of Parasitologists and Medical Mycologists (ANOFEL) has launched an educational website called "eANOFEL". Available in French/English and completely free after registration, this website is a database consisting of more than 1800 pictures and video clips covering all fields of Medical Mycology (and Parasitology). New pics/videos have just been added. Contact: Florent Morio or Dominique Chabasse.

The Annual Congress on Fungal Infections, Diseases & Treatment is planned November 16-17, 2017 in Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A., organized by Pulsus Group Inc. This is the website.

The 1st International Eurasian Mycology Congress (EMC2017), with sessions on medical mycology will be held at Manisa Celal Bayar University, Anemon Hotel in Manisa, Turkey, 3-5 July, 2017. Check the website here.  

The 10th European Meeting on Molecular Diagnostics (EMMD) will be held October 11-13, 2017 at Grand hotel Huis ter Duin in Noordwijk aan Zee, The Netherlands. This is the preliminary program.

A PhD Thesis on black yeasts entitled ‘Chaetothyriales: Biodiversity, infective ability and Biotechnological potential’, written by Marianna Machado is now available in the Theses area of the ISHAM website; please use your login.

Another PhD Thesis on indoor fungi entitled ‘Growth of indoor fungi under changing water conditions’, written by Frank Segers is now available on the Theses area of the ISHAM website; please use your login.

A web-based CME initiative entitledThe New Antifungal Toolkit 2017: The Pharmacopeia and Beyond’ offers 2 planned updates to discussions found in the earlier Toolkit. In this update, we address recent publications related to newer antifungal agents/formulations as well as emerging antifungal agents in the pipeline. Click here to go directly to the CME-certified activity.

The latest Newsletter of LIFE (Leading International Fungal Education), with latest items on various aspects of medical mycology is available via this link. Many other significant events and news relating to global health and fungal infections are posted twice weekly on the LIFE website here.

A book on ‘Illustrative Cases in Medical Mycology’ by Homes et al. is available for download with iBooks on your Mac or iOS device. For general info, see here.

Do you have anything to announce to the active community of workers in all fields of medical mycology, free of charge? Please send a link to your event to

Copyright © 2017. ISHAM The International Society for Human and Animal Mycology.