ISHAM NEWS! (19-07-2017)
Dear , On 30 June 2018 GAFFI (Global Action Fund for Fungal Infections) will organise a one-day satellite meeting of
the ISHAM Congress at Amsterdam, to bring together clinicians and researchers on mycetoma and
chromoblastomycosis and NTD staff at WHO to discuss how to implement
diagnostics and epidemiology studies for these diseases across the world.
WHO is afraid of
fungus? Under this title Dr Carmem
L. Pessoa-Silva will give a plenary talk at the ISHAM Congress in
Amsterdam. Carmem is an infectious disease physician who joined the World
Health Organization (WHO) in 2005. From 2005 to 2011 she was the Team Lead for
the WHO programme “Infection Prevention and Control in Health Care”. From 2012
she leads the WHO established Global Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance
System (GLASS) in which emerging fungal resistance has recently been recognized
as a sizable problem. Now that several fungi have been recognized as global
problems by WHO, her talk will be very timely.
The ISHAM Malassezia Working
Group will organize a post-congress workshop after the ISHAM Congress in Amsterdam on 4-5 July 2018. For information, contact Teun Boekhout.
At 7th AAA (Advances Against
Aspergillosis) in Lisbon, Portugal, 1-3 February 2018, there will also be
room for some other fungi such as Mucorales. Check the web site here. |
The 7th International Symposium on Coccidioidomycosis taking place at Stanford University, USA, 10-13 August 2017. For information
and abstract submission, see the website here.
A new version of the Atlas of Clinical Fungi is
available online. The Atlas contains more than 600 species, including
less-known ones such as Candida wangnamkhiaoensis, Tintelnotia destructans,
Trichophyton eriotrephon and Rhinocladiella tropicalis. Recent
revisions of dermatophytes, Scopulariopsis and Scedosporium have
been implemented, as well as the new taxonomy of the Cryptococcus neoformans group. The concept of ‘species complex’ is applied to facilitate routine
diagnostics, and phylogenetic positions of all species are given. Numerous
full-color photoplates of fungi, and colour illustrations and diagrams are
provided. A large chapter on antifungal susceptibility has been added. The
update is free of charge for subscribers; get your subscription here. |
Do you have anything to announce to the active community of workers
in all fields of medical mycology, free of charge? Please send a link to your
event to |