ISHAM NEWS! (02-12-2009)
Dear ISHAM member, Perhaps you have
experienced some problems with login to your personal copy of the ISHAM journal Medical Mycology. We are happy to inform that the publisher’s website
has been changed: everything now works smoothly and user-friendly via the ISHAM
member area. Just try!
An ESCMID postgraduate education course entitled “Invasive
Fungal Infections: Host-Pathogen Interaction” will be organized in Oslo,
Norway, on 16-17 March, 2010. Full description and information can be found at here.
essential meeting 4th Advances Against Aspergillosis will
take place in Rome, Italy, 4-6 February, 2010. Registration is still possible,
click for info.
The ISHAM Working Group “Fungiscope - A Global Database for Rare
Fungal Infections” has now reached a total of 150 documented cases from
South America, Europe and Asia. We are still looking for new and exciting
cases. If you would like to join the project, visit our website: We would also like to
announce the initiation of our revised eCRF which was created on the basis of
all the valuable feedback we gathered over the last year. The old version
containing all cases already entered will still be accessible for view at However, new
cases may only be entered into the new version.
A preliminary program of the ECMM/ISHAM Working group on Zygomycetes in Athens, Greece, 28-30 May, 2010, is now available: click here.
A report of the very successful practical workshop organized
by the ISHAM Working Group on Malassezia, held in Athens, Greece,
October 16-17, 2009, can be found here.
The full program of the international Scientific Meeting of the Netherlands Society for Medical Mycology, to be held in Nijmegen, The
Netherlands, 9 December 2009, is now available
The 62nd meeting of the German for Hygiene and Microbiology
(DGHM), with some sessions on medical mycology, will be organized in
Hannover, Germany, 28-31 March, 2010. Information can be obtained
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA will organize two
workshops on Laboratory Identification of Emerging Pathogenic Molds in
Atlanta, USA, April 6-8, 2010 and April 13-15, 2010. Deadline for registration
is March 23, 2010. For info, click here.
The Netherlands societies for general and medical
microbiology will organize their Scientific Spring Meeting in Arnhem,
The Netherlands, 19-21 April, 2010. Sessions on medical mycology are scheduled.
Info and preliminary program can be found at here.
The 20st Focus on Fungal Infections will take place
March 3-5, 2010 in New Orleans, USA. For info, click here.
ISHAM is full of action and your input is needed, see here!
If you are
interested in becoming a member please complete the on-line application form:
application will be processed as rapidly as possible. On admission to
membership you will be required to pay your first year's subscription fee
(currently $50.00 US). You will then receive the current year's issues of Medical Mycology,
regular e-mailed ISHAM
news alerts and ISHAM-SOS service, have access to the ISHAM
member forum and all other correspondence for members. You will
also be entitled to vote at the ISHAM General Assembly.
In case
your circumstances make it difficult
to afford the subscription fee, a special fund (The Carolyn
Halden Fund) exists to provide member's subscriptions for one or two years.
Please explain your situation to the General Secretary.
under 35 and having a great career in mind become ISHAM member. You will get
your money back when you participate in the next ISHAM congress, see . Young members
present in Tokyo will receive an
extra gift worth $ 100,-; Click here for further information.
