ISHAM NEWS! (26-02-2010)
Dear ISHAM member, We congratulate the new ISHAM working group "PCR-based
diagnosis of Dermatophyte infections: on the way to a consensus", just
established! See for information and convener team the Working Group page of
our website here. You are invited to participate in this major study area on
molecular identification and epidemiology of dermatophytes; for membership of
the group please contact Michael Arabatzis,
A limited number of hard copies of Stud Mycol 61
entitled “Black fungal extremes” is available for ISHAM members with 50%
reduction, at the special price of € 30,-. For orders, click here, state your reduction
code: ISHAM50,
and mention your ISHAM membership number under “remarks”.
Are you unable to read Medical
Mycology on-line, or are you unable to get reduction? Then you have probably
not paid your ISHAM membership fee for 2010! Please renew quickly here.
The next BSMM Course on Diagnostic Medical Mycology will be held
22-26 March in Leeds, U.K. Information is on the BSMM website, click here.
The Max Planck Institute for
Plant Breeding Research, Cologne, Germany, has several vacancies because
of the establishment of two new research groups on fungal biodiversity,
population genetics/genomics, ecological genetics, lifestyle transitions of
plant pathogenic fungi, or fungal speciation. For information, application and
ideas, please contact Prof. Paul Schulze-Lefert,
There are still a few places
available at the CBS Course in Medical Mycology, Utrecht, 15-26 March,
2010. Respond quickly here.
A special ISHAM sponsored
Symposium “Neglected Mycoses in South America” will be organized at the
46th Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine Congress, see here.
Do you have an interesting case
you wish to present at the ISHAM website as Case Of The Month? Please
contact Sybren de Hoog,
A Gordon Research Conference
entitled “Immunology of Fungal Infections” will be held January 16-21,
2011 in Galveston, Texas, U.S.A. For information see the website at here.
A PhD position in biodiversity assessment is available at the
Netherlands Centre for Biodiversity Naturalis at Wageningen University,
Wageningen, The Netherlands. Information is posted here.
The new monthly Journal of Infectious Diseases and immunity (JIDI) has been launched by Academic Journals, see here and here.
JIDI is dedicated to increasing the depth of infectious diseases and immunity
research across disciplines with the ultimate aim of improving research
on immunity.
A course on Antimicrobial
Resistance in Bacteria, Fungi and Viruses will be held in Singapore, 14-16
June, 2010. For information and application, see here.
The 10th National Congress of the Italian Society of Mycologists (FIMUA) and
the 2nd Workshop ECMM/CEMM will be held in Milan, 23-25 September, 2010. The
congress will be a forum to discuss new research results on human and animal
diseases, fungal biology, food contamination, epidemiology, drug
resistance, conventional and molecular diagnosis. See the website
10th European Conference on Fungal Genetics will take place in
Noordwijkerhout The Netherlands, 29 March – 1 April, 2010. See the website here
Young ISHAM has
a new
representative for Iran,
Turkey and Middle East:.
Hamid Badali
PhD candidate
Department of Molecular and Medical Mycology, School of Medicine, Mazandaran
University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran.
P.O. Box: 48175-1665
Sari- Iran
Fax: +98 151 354 3087
Mobile: +98-912-841-3720
If you are
interested in becoming a member please complete the on-line application form:
application will be processed as rapidly as possible. On admission to
membership you will be required to pay your first year's subscription fee
(currently $50.00 US). You will then receive the current year's issues of Medical Mycology,
regular e-mailed ISHAM
news alerts and ISHAM-SOS service, have access to the ISHAM
member forum and all other correspondence for members. You will
also be entitled to vote at the ISHAM General Assembly.
