ISHAM NEWS! (27-04-2010)

Dear ISHAM member, We are happy to announce a major facility for our members: freely accessible literature on the ISHAM website! Login to the member area, and you will find the areas “Guidelines and Recommendations”, and “Literature databases”. To enter these areas you have to agree with the terms. The first reference base made available here is on Scedosporium: all literature published since 1890, collected by Regine Horré. Other topics will follow. The Guideline area is meant to help the clinician with management of mycoses. ISHAM members are requested to donate articles when they spot any omissions. Material can be sent to the area editors: Hector Mora Montes or Sybren de Hoog   

Following the previous three successful conferences of the Pan-African Medical Mycology Society (PAMMS) in Hartenbosch and Cape Town, South Africa and Abuja, Nigeria, the forth conference of the PAMMS planned for 5-9 March, 2011 in Assiut, Egypt. In addition a 3-day workshop on Medical Mycology is scheduled. More information will be available in due course.

The Gordon Conference on Immunology of Fungal Infections, to be held in Galveston, U.S.A., 16-21 January, 2011, has a list of confirmed speakers, see here. Deadline for registration is 26 December, 2010, but earlier subscription is recommended.

The University College London and the British Society for Medical Mycology offer distant learning MSc in medical mycology for professional health workers. The course allows a flexible approach to learning, enabling students to complete in two to five years. For information, click here.

The ISHAM Working Group Fungiscope announces that the FungiScope database explorer, FungiQuest, has finally gone live. This tool allows clinicians to search the FungiScope database for cases and pathogens of interest. In turn a brief vignette of the case is given and further information can be requested on a more individual basis in order to help choosing an initial treatment. View the database at

The Belgian Society for Human and Animal Mycology announces that the meeting of 29 May, 2010 has been cancelled. You will be informed soon about an alternative date.

Payment of your ISHAM membership has now been made much easier through the ISHAM webshop, see Credit card payments are free of charge. A further discount of 5 $ is granted for those who pay their membership for three years in advance.

The latest issue of Medical Mycology, Vol. 48 No. 3 is now freely available in your membership area. For your convenience, we list the contents below.



If you are interested in becoming a member please complete the on-line application form:

Your application will be processed as rapidly as possible. On admission to membership you will be required to pay your first year's subscription fee (currently $50.00 US). You will then receive the current year's issues of Medical Mycology, regular e-mailed ISHAM news alerts and ISHAM-SOS service, have access to the ISHAM member forum and all other correspondence for members. You will also be entitled to vote at the ISHAM General Assembly.