ISHAM NEWS! (16-09-2011)

Dear , At the next ISHAM Congress in Berlin, Germany, June 11-15, 2012 two important awards will be given:
[1] “The ISHAM Young Investigator Award in Basic Mycology”, sponsored by the DMykG foundation and ISHAM, and
[2] “The ISHAM Young Investigator Award in Clinical Mycology” sponsored by the DMykG foundation.
All information on these awards and how to apply can be found at the ISHAM website here.

A PhD Thesis of the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands has appeared by M.J. Najafzadeh on the Fonsecaea agents of human chromoblastomycosis, based on published articles. ISHAM members may freely download the Thesis in the ISHAM member area

A workshop "Medical Mycology: From Basic Science to Clinical Needs" will be organized in Vienna, Austria, 8-10 December, 2011. The full program and registration data can be found here.

The Fall 2011 issue of the Newsletter of the ISHAM-affiliated Mycology Study Group can be found here, with lots of information on ongoing projects. A business meeting of MSGis scheduled on September 19th 7.30 PM at the Sheraton in Chicago (Erie Room).

A PhD position is available at the Scientific Institute for Public Health in Brussels, Belgium, see here. Maybe better call first, because the application period is closing.

A meeting will be held entitled "The three Rs of innate immune recognition: Toll like receptors (TLRs), RIG-like receptors (RLRs) and Nod-like receptors (NLRs)". The meeting is organized in London, U.K., on 23 September, 2011. For info, visit the website here.

Another meeting, also in London, U.K., is "Mucosal dendritic cell-epithelial cell cross-talk", to be held on 14 October, 2011. Visit the website here.

Information on the Course in Medical Mycology of the Institut Pasteur, Paris, France, 12 March - 6 April, 2012 can be found at this website here.

A small-scale workshop on Fusarium will be organized in Utrecht, the Netherlands on 26 October, 2011. For info and program, contact Anne van Diepeningen.