ISHAM NEWS! (03-10-2011)

Dear , ISHAM happily welcomes two new Working Groups! One will focus on Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis (ABPA) and the other on Veterinary Mycology. Details of the two working groups can be found below. In principle WG membership is open to all ISHAM members; please contact the conveners.

The ABPA Working Group is convened by Ritesh Agarwal, Arunaloke Chakrabarti and David Denning. A short synopsis of the group activity may be seen here. The group wants to focus on ABPA in asthmatics only and would address different aspects the disease to develop consensus protocol and research. A workshop has been planned on February 9, 2012 in India, during the SIHAM congress ( For details, contact the conveners.

A Veterinary Mycology Working Group (VMWG) is being convened by Seyedmojtaba Seyedmousavi and Jacques Guillot. A short proposal can be found here. The WG will soon have its own webpage. An meeting at the ISHAM congress 2012 outside the program is planned, to discuss the needs and interests of WG members. We hope to see many of you there.

At the ISHAM Congress in Berlin, Germany, June 11-15, 2012 ( the Working Groups play a significant role. There will be eighteen Working Group sessions in the congress, dealing with a diversity of burning subjects, ranging from fundamental to clinical, and from diagnostics to antifungals; see the preliminary program. We urge all Working Group members to attend the congress and to learn about the latest achievements in their respective areas. Also the Mycology Study Group (MSG) will play a significant role at the congress. An overview of all Working Group sessions can be found here.

The program of the 5th Advances Against Aspergillosis (AAA) in Istanbul, Turkey, 26-28 January, 2012 is now complete. Full information can be found here. A must for everyone working with Aspergillus!

The program of the Belgian-Netherlands scientific meeting in Antwerp, Belgium, 13 October, 2012 is now available here. All talks are in English. The meeting is free of charge but registration is requested.

The 52nd Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC) will be held in San Francisco, U.S.A., 9-12 September, 2012. We will update you as soon as more information is available, but you may already put the dates of this major event in your agenda.

A special issue entitled "European Expert Opinion on the Management of Invasive Candidiasis in Adults" has appeared in Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 17, Supplement s5.

Perhaps you had some problems with your member login for Medical Mycology; these problems have now been solved, it works smoothly. Just click on Access Member Area. Your login is your e-mail address, and if you have forgotten your password it will be sent to you by clicking on Forgotten Password. Login, click on the journal picture, and you have the 49 journal volumes free of charge. The latest issue is 49-7; for your convenience we list the contents below.

Outbreaks and clustering of Pneumocystis pneumonia in kidney transplant recipients: a systematic review
Mark G. J. de Boer, Johannes W. de Fijter, Frank P. Kroon
Medical Mycology Oct 2011, Vol. 49, No. 7: 673–680.
Risk factors for invasive aspergillosis in acute myeloid leukemia patients prophylactically treated with posaconazole
Mauricette Michallet, Mohamad Sobh, Stéphane Morisset, Samira Kraghel, Franck-Emmanuel Nicolini, Xavier Thomas, Anne-Lise Bienvenu, Stéphane Picot, Marie-Christine Nicolle, Philippe Vanhems
Medical Mycology Oct 2011, Vol. 49, No. 7: 681–687.
Clinical efficacy and safety of micafungin in Japanese patients with chronic pulmonary aspergillosis: a prospective observational study
Shigeru Kohno, Koichi Izumikawa, Hiroshi Kakeya, Yoshitsugu Miyazaki, Kenji Ogawa, Ryoichi Amitani, Yoshihito Niki, Atsuyuki Kurashima
Medical Mycology Oct 2011, Vol. 49, No. 7: 688–693.
Interactions between TLR2, TLR4, and mannose receptors with gp43 from Paracoccidioides brasiliensis induce cytokine production by human monocytes
Erika Nakaira-Takahagi, Marjorie A. Golim, Camila F. Bannwart, Rosana Puccia, Maria T. S. Peraçoli
Medical Mycology Oct 2011, Vol. 49, No. 7: 694–703.
Characteristics and clinical relevance of the quantitative touch-down major surface glycoprotein polymerase chain reaction in the diagnosis of Pneumocystis pneumonia
Bernabé F. F. Chumpitazi, Pierre Flori, Jean-Baptiste Kern, Marie-Pierre Brenier-Pinchart, Virginie Hincky-Vitrat, Jean-Paul Brion, Anne Thiebaut-Bertrand, Clémence Minet, Daniele Maubon, Hervé Pelloux
Medical Mycology Oct 2011, Vol. 49, No. 7: 704–713.
Heterothallic mating in Mucor irregularis and first isolate of the species outside of Asia
Wiley A. Schell, Kerry O'Donnell, J. Andrew Alspaugh
Medical Mycology Oct 2011, Vol. 49, No. 7: 714–723.
Phaeohyphomycosis and onychomycosis due to Chaetomium spp., including the first report of Chaetomium brasiliense infection
Vit Hubka, Karel Mencl, Magdalena Skorepova, Pavlina Lyskova, Eva Zalabska
Medical Mycology Oct 2011, Vol. 49, No. 7: 724–733.
Surveillance for Cryptococcus gattii in horses of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada
Colleen Duncan, Karen H. Bartlett, Sally Lester, Bettina Bobsien, John Campbell, Craig Stephen, Stephen Raverty
Medical Mycology Oct 2011, Vol. 49, No. 7: 734–738.
Candida tropicalis biofilms: artificial urine, urinary catheters and flow model
Melyssa Negri, Sónia Silva, Mariana Henriques, Joana Azeredo, Terezinha Svidzinski, Rosário Oliveira
Medical Mycology Oct 2011, Vol. 49, No. 7: 739–747.
Efficacy and safety of caspofungin in obese patients
Desmond M. Ryan, Robert J. Lupinacci, Nicholas A. Kartsonis
Medical Mycology Oct 2011, Vol. 49, No. 7: 748–754.
Aspergillus viridinutans: an agent of adult chronic invasive aspergillosis
Danina Coelho, Susana Silva, Luís Vale-Silva, Helena Gomes, Eugénia Pinto, António Sarmento, Maria Dolores Pinheiro
Medical Mycology Oct 2011, Vol. 49, No. 7: 755–759.
Bipolaris hawaiiensis as etiologic agent of allergic bronchopulmonary mycosis: first case in a paediatric patient
Anuradha Chowdhary, Harbans S. Randhawa, Varinder Singh, Z. U. Khan, S. Ahmad, Shallu Kathuria, P. Roy, Geetika Khanna, Jagdish Chandra
Medical Mycology Oct 2011, Vol. 49, No. 7: 760–765.
Kodamaea ohmeri as an emerging pathogen: a case report and review of the literature
Noura Al-Sweih, Zia U. Khan, Suhail Ahmad, Laxmi Devarajan, Seema Khan, Leena Joseph, Rachel Chandy
Medical Mycology Oct 2011, Vol. 49, No. 7: 766–770.
Candida hellenica var. hellenica as a possible cause of respiratory infection in a child with acute myeloid leukemia
Aliki Ioakimidou, Timoleon-Achilleas Vyzantiadis, Athanassios Tragiannidis, Michael Arabatzis, Theodotis Papageorgiou, Aristea Velegraki, Fani Athanassiadou, Nikolaos Malissiovas
Medical Mycology Oct 2011, Vol. 49, No. 7: 771–774.
Symptomatic duodenal cryptococcosis in HIV-infected individuals
Mey León, Jorge Alave, Dalila Martinez, Beatriz Bustamante, Martin Rodriguez, Carlos Seas
Medical Mycology Oct 2011, Vol. 49, No. 7: 775–778.

Cryptococcus gattii infection in a Spanish pet ferret (Mustela putorius furo) and asymptomatic carriage in ferrets and humans from its environment

Neus Morera, Carles Juan-Sallés, Josep M. Torres, Mariano Andreu, Manuel Sánchez, Mª Ángeles Zamora, M. Francisca Colom
Medical Mycology Oct 2011, Vol. 49, No. 7: 779–784.