ISHAM NEWS! (1-11-2011)
Dear ,
The ISHAM Congress in Berlin, Germany is rapidly approaching! Dates are June 11-15, 2012; put this
in your agenda. Berlin is a world metropole, with a very impressive history.
Many great places to visit, see for example here.
Everywhere there are trendy cafes, musical pubs and
fancy restaurants serving anything between Bratwurst and Sushi, in a friendly
and relaxed atmosphere. Despite its global importance the city is not expensive
at all. Reasonable hotels for young people can be found even in Berlin-Mitte
near the congress centre for less than 40 €, and a decent dinner does not need
to cost more than 12 €. The city is highly recommended, also for those with
modest salaries. But if you can afford a bit more, there are many unique places
to stay, like the Arte Luise Kunsthotel, Hotel Concorde in the heart of the
city, and numerous other stylish hotels. Nearby you may see Simon Rattle in
action with the Berliner Philharmoniker, or visit the Museum Island or other cultural highlights representing all aspects of international art, which are all within walking distance.
ISHAM will launch a new journal, Medical
Mycology Case Reports (MMCR) as of March 1, 2012. MMCR will be an online journal (see here) devoted to the publication of case reports that concern unusual medical or
veterinary fungal infections. Submissions will be peer reviewed and those
accepted for publication will be freely available (open access) on
SciVerseScienceDirect and published, in many instances, within fifteen (15)
days of receipt by the journal. MMCR will have its own and separate editorial
board and will be supported and published by Elsevier. ISHAM members will be
notified regularly about its contents.
next Central European Symposium on Antimicrobials and Antimicrobial
Resistance (CESAR) will be organized in Primosten, Croatia, 23-26
September, 2012. The meeting is supported by FEMS, where also information can
be obtained; the website is not active yet.
5th International Conference on Molecular Mechanisms of Fungal
Cell Wall Biogenesis will be held in Primosten, Croatia, 6-9 June, 2012.
The webside provides all information.
The ISHAM Scedosporium Working
Group has published a special issue of the journal Mycoses, edited by G.S.
de Hoog, O.A. Cornely and M. Lackner, with nine articles on diverse aspects of
Scedosporium, from virulence factors to epidemiology. A free download can be
sent upon request from the Scedosporium Working Group Council.
The 30th Annual Meeting
of the European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases will take
place in Thessaloniki, Greece, May 8-12, 2012. There is also a mycology
section. For information, click
For information on the MSc/Postgraduate
diploma in medical mycology by DVD and web-based distance learning,
organized by the British Society for Medical Mycology, click
meeting Fungal
Pathogens: From Basic Biology to Drug Discovery, in the Keystone Symposia Global
Health Series, will be held in Santa Fe, U.S.A., 12-15 January, 2012. For
information, click here.
The ISHAM Working Group Black
Yeasts filled an entire regular issue of the journal Fungal Biology: vol.
115, pp. 937-1091. The issue was edited by G.S. de Hoog, M. Grube and N.
Gunde-Cimerman and contains papers on extremophilic black yeasts, protein
expression, fungi associated with ants, epidemiology and several new species
among which a neurotropic one. The issue also contains the much-cited paper on
black yeasts in dishwashers. Contact the Black Yeast group for a free download.
A symposium on fungal
nomenclature will be held in Utrecht, the Netherlands, 12-13 April, 2012,
entitled One Fungus / Which Name?” Click
here for information.
guideline “European expert opinion on the management of invasive candidiasis in adults” has appeared, written by B.J. Kullberg, P.E. Verweij, M.
Akova, M.C. Arendrup, J. Bille, T. Calandra and others. It has appeared in Clinical
Microbiology and Infection 2011; 17 Suppl 5: 1-12.
Young ISHAM Newsflash can be found in the member area. It contains news
on TIMM Valencia, on the Young ISHAM session at the forthcoming congress in
Berlin, and introduces the new representative for Southeast Asia. |