ISHAM NEWS! (16-01-2012)

Dear , The new ISHAM journal Medical Mycology Case Reports (MMCR) has been launched. Manuscripts can be submitted from 1 February onwards. For questions, contact Ira Salkin, The journal will be open access.

A postdoc position on Sporothrix and Paracoccidioides is available at the Federal University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. For information and application, click here.

A very successful meeting of the ISHAM Working Group on Black Yeasts and Chromoblastomycosis was held in Curitiba, Brazil. For a report and info on presentations, see here.

A PhD Thesis on Cryptococcus epidemiology was recently published by Ferry Hagen, see here. A few hard copies are available from the author (, and a free download will soon be placed on the ISHAM website.

The CBS Course Medical Mycology in Nanjing, China was a great success. There were 70 participants, see here. The next English-language course will be in Innsbruck, Austria. Information can be found here; use the registration button at the right to reserve your place. The new electronic version of the Atlas of Clinical Fungi is included in the course fee.

Some of you still experienced problems with voting for ISHAM Council and venue 2015. If so, please try again here and eventually use the refresh button. It is not possible to vote twice, so if the page tells you that you can’t vote, your vote has already been recorded safely. If you still have problems, please contact Kasper Luijsterburg.

Volume 50 issue 1, 2012 of Medical Mycology has appeared and can freely be downloaded via your member area. For your convenience we list the contents below.

Regulation of expression, activity and localization of fungal chitin synthases
Luise E. Rogg, Jarrod R. Fortwendel, Praveen R. Juvvadi, William J. Steinbach
Medical Mycology Jan 2012, Vol. 50, No. 1: 2–17.
Opportunistic fungal infections in the Asia-Pacific region
Monica A. Slavin, Arunaloke Chakrabarti
Curcumin acts synergistically with fluconazole to sensitize a clinical isolate of Candida albicans showing a MDR phenotype
A. S. Garcia-Gomes, J. A. R. Curvelo, R. M. A Soares, A. Ferreira-Pereira
Medical Mycology Jan 2012, Vol. 50, No. 1: 26–32.
Anti-candidal activity of essential oils alone and in combination with amphotericin B or fluconazole against multi-drug resistant isolates of Candida albicans
Mohd Sajjad Ahmad Khan, Abida Malik, Iqbal Ahmad
Medical Mycology Jan 2012, Vol. 50, No. 1: 33–42.
Adhesion and invasion of Candida albicans from periodontal pockets of patients with chronic periodontitis and diabetes to gingival human fibroblasts
Janaina C. O. Sardi, Cristiane Duque, Flávia S. Mariano, Marcelo R. Marques, José F. Höfling, Reginaldo B. Gonçalves
Medical Mycology Jan 2012, Vol. 50, No. 1: 43–49.
Epidemiology of Candida blood stream infections in patients with hematological malignancies or solid tumors
Janina Zirkel, Hartwig Klinker, Anna Kuhn, Marianne Abele-Horn, Dennis Tappe, Doris Turnwald, Hermann Einsele, Werner J. Heinz
Medical Mycology Jan 2012, Vol. 50, No. 1: 50–55.
Characterization of the Candida parapsilosis complex in East China: species distribution differs among cities
Yi P. Ge, Teun Boekhout, Ping Zhan, Gui X. Lu, Yong N. Shen, Min Li, Hai F. Shao, Wei D. Liu
Medical Mycology Jan 2012, Vol. 50, No. 1: 56–66.

Ceratonia siliqua (carob) trees as natural habitat and source of infection by Cryptococcus gattii in the Mediterranean environment

María Francisca Colom, Ferry Hagen, Alfonso Gonzalez, Axelle Mellado, Neus Morera, Carlos Linares, David F. García, Joaquín S. Peñataro, Teun Boekhout, Manuel Sánchez
Medical Mycology Jan 2012, Vol. 50, No. 1: 67–73.
Genetic and biological features of catheter-associated Malassezia furfur from hospitalized adults
Takamasa Kaneko, Makiko Murotani, Kiyofumi Ohkusu, Takashi Sugita, Koichi Makimura
Medical Mycology Jan 2012, Vol. 50, No. 1: 74–80.
Identification of a metallopeptidase with TOP-like activity in Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, with increased expression in a virulent strain
Ellen T. Gravi, Thaysa Paschoalin, Bianca R. Dias, Dayson F. Moreira, José E. Belizario, Vitor Oliveira, Adriana K. Carmona, Maria A. Juliano, Luiz R. Travassos, Elaine G. Rodrigues
Medical Mycology Jan 2012, Vol. 50, No. 1: 81–90.
Molecular sub-typing suggests that the environment of rehabilitation centers may be a potential source of Aspergillus fumigatus infecting rehabilitating seabirds
Julia D. Burco, Kizee A. Etienne, J. Gregory Massey, Michael H. Ziccardi, S. Arunmozhi Balajee
Medical Mycology Jan 2012, Vol. 50, No. 1: 91–98.
Invasive squamous cell carcinoma arising from chromoblastomycosis
Adawiyah Jamil, Yin Yin Lee, Suganthi Thevarajah
Medical Mycology Jan 2012, Vol. 50, No. 1: 99–102.
Voriconazole-associated severe hyponatremia
Kye-Hyung Kim, Seunghwan Lee, Shinwon Lee, Na Ra Yun, Nam Joong Kim, Kyung-Sang Yu, In-Jin Jang, Wan Beom Park, Myoung-Don Oh
Medical Mycology Jan 2012, Vol. 50, No. 1: 103–105.
Molecular diagnosis of lobomycosis-like disease in a bottlenose dolphin in captivity
Fernando Esperón, Daniel García-Párraga, Edwige Nina Bellière, José Manuel Sánchez-Vizcaíno
Medical Mycology Jan 2012, Vol. 50, No. 1: 106–109.

Copyright © 2012. ISHAM The International Society for Human and Animal Mycology.