12-13 April 2012
Fungi are now explicitly recognized in the newly named International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi and Plants. The radical changes to naming pleomorphic fungi resulting from the complete revision of Article 59 will require unprecedented collaboration among mycological taxonomists. Linking DNA sequence data to the right morph; who decides which is the right genus name and species epithet, and based on what criteria?
Who will serve on the committees that manage the names in the anamorph-teleomorph database? How will effective publication work in practice now that hard copies are no longer required? Now that registration of taxonomic novelties is mandatory (1 Jan. 2012), names and descriptions need to be linked to all specimens, DNA sequences and strain data.
What is the Lists of Protected Names, and do they require sequence data to be so recognized or not?
These fundamental questions in modern fungal taxonomy are the focus of this two day meeting organised by the CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre on the theme “One Fungus = Which Name?”.
Venue: Trippenhuis, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Amsterdam
Poster presentations are welcome (contact Rob Samson)
Registration: € 200,-- (include coffee/thee, lunches and cocktail party).
For registration click here
(for more details click here)
10.00-10.10 Opening
10.10-11.50 The International Code and naming of Fungi
David Hawksworth: One Fungus which Name: how do we proceed?; Keith Seifert: Why hyphomycete taxonomy is now more important than ever; Lorelei Norvell & Scott Redhead: Post-Melbourne fungal nomenclature: an overview; Joost Stalpers & Paul Kirk: The nomenclature side of fungal databases, name registration etc.
12.30-13.30 lunch + posters + CBS exhibition
13.30-16.00 Keith Seifert & Pedro Crous (conveners) Fungal group discussions (Groups form according to class or ordinal level of the fungi that they study: see online TABLE on MycoBank)
16.00-18.00: Cocktail party; Book launches
19.00 Speakers dinner (Dinner vouchers available for € 40,--)
09.00 – 09.30 CBS awards (von Arx and Westerdijk awards)
09.30-12.40 Practical aspects of the application of single fungal nomenclature
Joey Spatafora: 1000 Fungal genomes and beyond; Conrad Schoch: An official DNA Barcode for Fungi; Kevin Hyde: The value of epitypification; Pedro Crous: The future of fungal biodiversity research; John Taylor: Naming Environmental Nucleic Acid Species (ENAS); Amy Rossman: Single names in Hypocreales and Diaporthales; XingZhong Liu: A strategy for fungal names with teleomorph- anamorph connection: A case of Orbilia; Uwe Braun: Application of old anamorph-typified genus names and species in future: problems and strategies
12.40-13.40 lunch + posters + CBS exhibition
13.40-15.00 Fungal group discussions (continuation)
15.00-16.30. Final discussion and conclusions
(at CBS, Uppsalalaan 8, Utrecht)
10.00 – 17.00 Executive Committee of the International Mycological Association (IMA). (closed meeting)
09.00-11.00 International Commission on the Taxonomy of Fungi (ICTF). (open meeting)
11.00-14.00 International Commission of Penicillium and Aspergillus (ICPA). (open meeting) |