ISHAM NEWS! (15-2-2012)
Dear ,

Remember to register for the ISHAM Congress in Berlin, Germany, June 11-15, 2012, on Friday 19th February at the latest: then you may save up to € 160 by using the extended early bird tariff. This is also the deadline for abstract submission. Just follow the link to the Online Registration. information regarding Young ISHAM Travel Grants
The congress is cheaper than you think: see these hostels near the congress venue in Berlin where you may stay at bottom prices of 12 € per night. Then the total costs (including travel, accommodation and registration) may be really modest, for example:

Of course there is also a wide diversity of first class hotels for pleasant accommodation in the city, to make your participation unforgettable. The congress offers a really unique experience in medical mycology, as it is expected to be one of the largest events in our area in history.
For the CBS Course Medical Mycology in Innsbruck, Austria, 30 July-10 August, 2012, sponsored participation is possible, see here; deadline for application is 1 March, 2012. Registration for the course is possible
here. Timely registration is recommended, as limited places are available.