ISHAM NEWS! (27-2-2012)

Dear , The ISHAM Congress in Berlin, 11-15 June, 2012 is a great success: we received almost 900 abstracts already. Don’t miss this milestone in medical mycology and register fast here. Please note that it is still possible to apply for the ISHAM Young Investigator Awards (clinical and basic sciences); information can he found here; extended deadline: 7 March. You also have still a few days to apply for a Young ISHAM travel stipend, see here ; extended deadline: 7 March.

ISHAM, in cooperation with Faculty of 1000 (, invites all members to extend the life of your presentations by voluntary deposition of poster/oral presentation(s) into the established open access poster repository, F1000 Posters ( to allow those who could not make the meeting have the opportunity to see your novel work. It is important to note that F1000 Posters places no restriction on later use of the material presented in the posters (including data). Additionally, F1000 Posters has contacted a number of journal Editors asking whether deposition of a poster in the F1000 Poster repository would be considered prior publication. All responses can be viewed here. F1000's expert Faculty of 10,000 members will then view these submissions to identify those they wish to select for positive evaluation in the award winning F1000 service. To deposit your work, simply go here and upload your file and maximize the value of your conference presentations.

During the coming ISHAM Congress in Berlin, on Tuesday June 12, a meeting will take place on the eventual introduction of an ISHAM Working Group Clinical Fusarium. If you are interested to participate in the founding meeting, contact Anne van Diepeningen.

The Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology organizes its XVI Congress in Bilbao, Spain, May 9-12, 2012. For information, visit the website here.

The Argentinian Society of Clinical Bacteriology, Mycology and Parasitology will have its 7th Congress in Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 26-29, 2012. For information and registration, click here.

Copyright © 2012. ISHAM The International Society for Human and Animal Mycology.