ISHAM NEWS! (3-5-2012)
Dear , We remind you that ISHAM members have the opportunity to decide about important items by giving their vote: the next Council of ISHAM, and the venue of the ISHAM congress 2015, either New Delhi or Melbourne. If you have not voted yet, please do so here. The system works very smoothly, it takes you only a minute. It also prevents double voting, thus if it does not work, you have voted already. Thank you!
You may have noticed that invitations to speak at congresses can be false, i.e. with the interest to get your participation at a very high fee. Congresses in mycology should normally be organized by societies, not by commercial bureaus. In cases of doubt we recommend to verify the ISHAM Agenda here, or to contact the ISHAM information desk here.
The Mycological Society of China announces its 2012 Annual Meeting which will be held in Beijing, China, 10-12 August, 2012. More details can be found here.
The 3rd Southeast European Conference of Chemotherapy and Infection will take place on Thursday, 08 November, 2012, in Primosten, Croatia. For information and registration we refer to the website here.
A Spanish-language workshop will be organized in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 20-26 October, 2012, entitled "Curso Internacional de Micología: Nuevos enfoques de diagnóstico y tratamiento". Further information can be found here.
The program of the CBS International Course Medical Mycology in Innsbruck, Austria, 30 July - 10 August, 2012 has now been issued and can be found here. There are still some places available, you may register here.
An important change in fungal nomenclature has taken place. Previously separate names were used for the sexual and different asexual stages of one and the same fungus, but from 1 January 2013 onwards this will no longer be allowed. The question now is which name of polymorphic fungi should be used in the future. We as ISHAM community, and the members of ISHAM Working Groups in particular, should be involved in decisions on preferred nomenclature. A short report and discussion text about the nomenclatural congress held in Amsterdam, last April, is placed on the ISHAM website here. You are all invited to participate. Further discussions will be held at the symposium on new fungal pathogens at the ISHAM congress in Berlin, Germany, 11-15 June, 2012, see here.
The next workshop of the ISHAM Working Groups on Black Yeasts and Chromoblastomycosis will be held in Guangzhou, China, 28 Nov - 1 Dec, 2013. Details will become available in due course. The Workshop will be followed by the Chinese-language edition of the CBS International Course Medical Mycology.
The ISHAM Working Group Pseudallescheria / Scedosporium Infections organizes its next workshop in Innsbruck, Austria,16-18 May, 2013. Further details will become available soon.
At the coming ISHAM congress in Berlin the outcome of an ISHAM survey on ethics issues related to scientific publishing will be presented. Please contribute to the
survey; it will take only 5-10 minutes of your time. We hope that many of you are willing to give your opinion and personal experiences on this important and growing topic