ISHAM NEWS! (06-06-2012)
Dear , Next week the ISHAM Congress will take place in Berlin, Germany. There are alomost 1200 participants from 73 countries. More than 80 sessions are scheduled, including: Best papers, case reports, discussions, working groups, basic and clinical mycology, poster and plenary sessions. There are up to eight parallel sessions and three additional industry symposia. There is a Young ISHAM workshop and several further special workshops and symposia, covering all aspects of human and animal mycology.
A Get-Together-Party is organized at the BCC congress center with a selection of snacks from different German regions and dance music, and there is a Young ISHAM party. The conference dinner has an international buffet and modern, multifaceted and vivid background music. The ISHAM congress is the largest event in medical mycology, and has a lot to offer in fundamental and clinical science. It will make your stay unforgettable!
The final, full program of the congress is now available. It shows a massive amount of activities. The Registration desk at BCC will open on Monday June 11 at 10.00.
The session on New fungal pathogens (C14 on Friday) will undergo some changes because of recent congresses on phylogeny and nomenclature. Short talks on drastic changes in Candida and Penicillium marneffei have been added. For info, contact Gerhard Haase or Sybren de Hoog.
The ISHAM General Assembly will be held in room C01 on Thursday, June 14, at 17.30.
All ISHAM members are invited, including those who have become member during the congress. This is possible at the ISHAM stand in the Central Hall, where also voting for next Council and venue are still possible until Thursday 14 June 12.00 sharp, for those who have not voted yet. For the Assembly, you may have a look at the following papers in your member area
- financial review Auditing committee
- Balances 2009-2011 (will follow)
- Parity CHF against US$
- Editor’s report text
- Editor’s report presentation
- Draft of new statutes (will follow)
An extra pre-congress meeting on genomics of black fungi will take place on Monday 11 June at 09.00, at another location in Berlin. Participation is limited; if you wish to join, please contact Anna Gorbushina. |