ISHAM NEWS! (14-08-2009)
Dear ISHAM member, A new molecular tool for sequence-based
identification of dermatophytes has been made by Jong-Soo Choi, Grit
Walther, Yvonne Graser and Vincent Robert. In contrast to GenBank, blasting will
give you a correct identification, based on validated reference material. It is
freely available
The 2009 Asian Mycological Congress will take place at
the National Museum of Natural Science in Taichung, Taiwan, November 15-19,
2009. There are sessions on medicinal and extremophilic fungi and on medical
mycology. For info and program, click here.
The next Latin American Infocus, VIII Forum de
Infeccoes Fungicas na Pratica Clinica, will take place in Sao Paulo, Brazil,
20-22 August, 2009. For information and program, go here.
The 4th Advances Against Aspergillosis (AAA) will be held in Rome, Italy, 4-6 February 2010. Full information is
available here.
Sanjay Revankar ( has started a case
registry for studying phaeohyphomycosis. The purpose would be to better
understand the clinical syndromes associated with these fungi and how effective
current management strategies are in treating these infections. Your help and
deposition of strains will be greatly appreciated.
A new on-line journal
has been started: Infectious Disease Reports. This is an international,
Open Access peer-reviewed journal which publishes scientific papers about
infectious diseases. Manuscripts dealing with research, biology, epidemiology,
clinics of all infection-related diseases are welcome. See website here.
The 20th European
Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) will
take place in Vienna, Austria, 10-13 April, 2010. Full information on this major
congress is available here.
The ISHAM Mycology
Study Group (MSG) organizes its 2009 Reception and Business Meeting on
Sunday evening, September 13, 2009, at the Grand Hyatt San Francisco Hotel. For
information, contact Jeanna Beth Deerman,
Issue 47-5 of Medical Mycology has appeared; go to your ISHAM member area for free
access. For your convenience we list the contents below:
contribution of fungal infection and colonization to the development of allergy,
Pages 445 - 456 Authors: David L.
Goldman; Gary B. Huffnagle
In vitro synergy of
caspofungin with licensed and novel antifungal drugs against clinical isolates
of Fusarium spp., Pages 457 - 462
Authors: Itamar
Shalit; Yona Shadkchan; Gabriel Mircus; Nir Osherov
Candida bloodstream
infections in hemodialysis recipients, Pages 463 - 467
Authors: Vasilios
Pyrgos; Kathryn Ratanavanich; Nancy Donegan; Judith Veis; Thomas J. Walsh;
Shmuel Shoham
Detection of
2-Pentylfuran in the breath of patients with Aspergillus fumigatus, Pages 468 -
Authors: Stephen T.
Chambers; Mona Syhre; David R. Murdoch; Fiona McCartin; Michael J.
The lipolytic enzymes
activities of Malassezia species, Pages 477 - 484
Authors: Weerapong
Juntachai; Takahiro Oura; Somay Yamagata Murayama; Susumu Kajiwara
tumefaciens -mediated transformation of the dermatophyte, Trichophyton
mentagrophytes : an efficient tool for gene transfer, Pages 485 - 494
Authors: Tsuyoshi
Yamada; Koichi Makimura; Kazuo Satoh; Yoshiko Umeda; Yumiko Ishihara; Shigeru
involvement in granuloma formation and in the severity of Paracoccidioides
brasiliensis infection, Pages 495 - 507
Authors: Angela Satie
Nishikaku; Renata Scavone; Raphael Fagnani Sanchez Molina; Bernardo Paulo Albe;
Cláudia Da Silva Cunha; Eva Burger
Real-time PCR and DNA
sequencing for detection and identification of Trichophyton rubrum as a cause
of culture negative chronic granulomatous dermatophytosis, Pages 508 -
Jean-François Durant; Pierre-Alain Fonteyne; Pauline Richez; Liliane Marot;
Leila Belkhir; Dominique Tennstedt; Jean-Luc Gala
Empirical treatment
of candidemia in intensive care units: Fluconazole or broad-spectrum antifungal
agents?, Pages 515 - 520
Authors: Jesús
Guinea; Teresa Peláez; Marta Rodríguez-Créixems; Marta Torres-Narbona; Patricia
Muñoz; Luis Alcalá; Emilio Bouza
Isolation and
expression of heat shock protein 30 gene from Penicillium marneffei, Pages 521 -
Authors: Nongnuch
Vanittanakom; Monsicha Pongpom; Jutarat Praparattanapan; Chester R. Cooper Jr;
Thira Sirisanthana
Algaemia in a dairy
cow by Prototheca blaschkeae, Pages 527 - 531
Authors: Gertrude
Thompson; Eliane Silva; Sara Marques; Alexandra Müller; Júlio
An increasing trend
of cutaneous zygomycosis caused by Mycocladus corymbifer (formerly Absidia
corymbifera ): report of two cases and review of primary cutaneous Mycocladus
infections, Pages 532 - 538
Authors: Muna
Almaslamani; Saad J. Taj-Aldeen; Dea Garcia-Hermoso; Eric Dannaoui; Hussam
Alsoub; Abdullatif Alkhal
vanbreuseghemii infection in three family members with kerion and tinea
corporis, Pages 539 - 544
Authors: Hao Zhang;
Yuping Ran; Yongfang Liu; Ruifeng Zhang; Xinyu Lin; Wei Yan; Yaling
Expression of CgCDR1
, CgCDR2 , and CgERG11 in Candida glabrata biofilms formed by bloodstream
isolates, Pages 545 - 548
Authors: Jeong Won
Song; Jong Hee Shin; Seung Jung Kee; Soo Hyun Kim; Myung Geun Shin; Soon Pal
Suh; Dong Wook Ryang
Application of nested
PCR to detect Penicillium marneffei in serum samples, Pages 549 -
Authors: Monsicha
Pongpom; Thira Sirisanthana; Nongnuch Vanittanakom
National surveillance
of antifungal susceptibility of Candida species in South Korean hospitals,
Pages 554 - 558
Authors: Jae Il Yoo;
Chi Won Choi; Kyeong Min Lee; Young Kwon Kim; Tae Un Kim; Eui-Chong Kim; Sae Ik
Joo; Seon Han Yun; Yeong Seon Lee; Bong Su Kim
If you are
interested in becoming a member please complete the on-line application form:
application will be processed as rapidly as possible. On admission to
membership you will be required to pay your first year's subscription fee
(currently $50.00 US). You will then receive the current year's issues of Medical Mycology,
regular e-mailed ISHAM
news alerts and ISHAM-SOS service, have access to the ISHAM
member forum and all other correspondence for members. You will
also be entitled to vote at the ISHAM General Assembly.
In case
your circumstances make it difficult
to afford the subscription fee, a special fund (The Carolyn
Halden Fund) exists to provide member's subscriptions for one or two years.
Please explain your situation to the General Secretary.
under 35 and having a great career in mind become ISHAM member. You will get
your money back when you participate in the next ISHAM congress, see . Young members
present in Tokyo will receive an
extra gift worth $ 100,-; Click here for further information.
