ISHAM NEWS! (22-06-2012)

Dear ,
ISHAM 2012 in Berlin was a great success, not only based on the statistics, but also on the feedback from numerous participants. In total, 1272 participants from 75 countries were involved in 780 poster presentation, 265 invited talks and 110 selected talks from abstracts in up to eight parallel sessions. As many as 18 working groups organized their own sessions, some of them had their kick-off meetings as new working groups. More than 370 participants enjoyed the conference dinner at the Hofbräuhaus with fantastic music which made people dance which have never been seen dancing before. 187 Young ISHAM members had great fun at the Young ISHAM party in Clärchen´s Ballhaus. More than 50 % of all members (now >1000 in total) participated at the elections of the new council and choose Melbourne, Australia, for the ISHAM congress in 2015.

A new ISHAM Council 2012-2015 has been installed, as follows:
  • Neil Gow (President)
  • Malcolm Richardson (President-elect)
  • Peter Donnelly (General secretary)
  • Donna McCallum (Treasurer)
  • David Denning (Vice president)
  • Wieland Meyer (Vice president)
  • Bernie Hube (Vice president)
  • Ruth Ashbee (Vice president)
  • Shigeru Kohno (Vice president)
  • Michaela Lackner (Young ISHAM representative)
A PhD Thesis of Aruradha Chowdhary entitled "Molecular epidemiology, environmental dispersal and antifungal susceptibility of Cryptococcus grubii and C. gattii prevalent in India" (241 pp.) is now freely available for download in your ISHAM member area.
The ISHAM-Veterinary Mycology Working Group(ISHAM-VMWG) held its kick-off meeting at the ISHAM congress in Berlin last week. Participation in this group is open to everyone interested in animal mycology. We expect to be able to publish our first guidelines in the form of review papers by the end of 2012 till early in 2013 in collaboration with ISHAM scientific working groups or other societies. The next meeting of the VMWG will be a Workshop together with first International Course in Veterinary Mycology, planned for 2013 in the Netherlands. Organizers of this course will be Amir Seyedmousavi (Radboud University Medical Centre Nijmegen), Jacques Guillot (Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire d'Alfort) and Sybren de Hoog (CBS-KNAW Fungal Diversity Centre, Utrecht). For more information please visit the website or follow us on Facebook (Isham Veterinary Mycology) or Twitter (@vetmyco).
The 9th International Conference on Cryptococcus and Cryptococcosis will take place 15-19 May, 2014, in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. This is an essential meeting for anyone working with Cryptococcus. For information, visit the website.
A report of the 13th Chinese national continuing medical education course “The basics of fungal skin disease" held in Chengdu, China, 29 March - 2 April, 2012 can be found here.
Three postdoc positions in Aspergillus research are available at the Institute Pasteur of Shanghai, China. Information can be found here, while detailed information can be acquired from Jean-Paul Latgé
The new open access ISHAM journal Medical Mycology Case Reports was launched at the ISHAM congress in Berlin. MMCR is a new online journal devoted to the publication of case reports that concern unusual medical or veterinary fungal infections. The journal aims to provide a valuable collection of fungal cases with clinically important information to healthcare professionals, researchers and others, and is specifically interested in cases that have educational value. This is the website.
The International Conference on Antimicrobial Research (ICAR2012) will be held in Lisbon, Portugal, 21-23 November, 2012. Detailed information can be found at the website.
Donald Mackenzie, a former General Secretary and President of ISHAM, has now been retired for 20 years. He is interested in hearing from friends and former colleagues, and hopes they will get in touch via Email, or Skype: donmcphone.
The ISHAM Working Group on Sporothrix and Sporotrichosis will organize an international meeting with that title in October, 2013 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Detailed information will follow in due course. If you want to join this new working group, please contact
The next congress of the International Union of Microbiological Societies (IUMS) will be organized in Montreal, Canada, 27 July – 1 Aug, 2014. The congress includes the 14th International Congress of Mycology. You may put this in your agenda; detailed information will follow. This is the website.

Copyright © 2012. ISHAM The International Society for Human and Animal Mycology.