ISHAM NEWS! (23-09-2012)
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A new ISHAM Working Committee has been established on Nomenclature of Clinical Fungi; general info can be found here, and an indicative table with current fungal names
here. Due to developments in molecular phylogeny, and now that fungi may have only a single name, naming of fungi has become very instable. The ISHAM Committee will approach specialists in each area to reach consensus on optimal naming. We will inform you about the major developments on a regular basis. |
A short report of the medical session at the 2012 Annual Meeting of the Mycology Society of China can be found here.
The next CBS Spring Symposium, to be held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 10-11 April, 2013, will be entitled: One Fungus : Which Gene(s), or abbreviated 1F = ?G. For a short description, click here.
A detailed program will be available soon. |
Prior to the CBS symposium, on 8-9 April, 2013, the ECMM/ISHAM Working Group on Zygomycetes will organize a workshop in Utrecht, The Netherlands, entitled “Emerging Zygomycetes, a new problem in the clinical lab”. A program outline and further information can be found here, participation is free of charge. A selection of papers will be published in Medical Mycology.
Directly after the CBS Symposium, on 12-13 April, 2013, the ISHAM Working Group Barcoding will organize a workshop in Utrecht, The Netherlands, entitled “The future of barcoding - getting closer, or drifting further away from clinical practice?” A preliminary program can be found here, participation is free of charge. The developments in this area are spectacular; we will take care that ISHAM members will have access to latest achievements.
A new FEMS Journal will be launched with the title ‘Pathogens and Diseases’ and this journal will replace the FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology journal as of August 2012. For information, click
A symposium on Aspergillus and Aspergillosis will be organized in Tehran, Iran, on
1 November, 2012, by the Iranian Society for Medical Mycology. This is the website for information. |
The Third Southeast European Conference on Chemotherapy and Infection will be held in Dubrovnik, Croatia, 8-11 November, 2012. For information and registration, click
here. |
A new website with forum has been launched on invasive fungal infections in Africa, click here.
A FEBS advanced practical course on infection models for human pathogenic fungi is held in February 17 - March 2, 2013 in Jena, Germany, see here. This course is designed to train graduate students, post-docs, and young independent investigators. Training is provided through laboratory exercises and demonstrations, lectures by resident faculty and visiting seminar speakers, and informal discussions. Application
deadline is October 15, 2012. |
The Mycetoma website www.mycetoma.edu.sd has been expanded with a Dspace where different articles are compiled. For those who are interested, a password will be available from Ahmed Fahal.
The ISHAM-Mycology Study Group Educational Committee will organize a Satellite Symposium on 8
September, 2012 at ICAAC 2012 in San Francisco, U.S.A., entitled “Earlier Treatment of Invasive Fungal Infections: Are We There Yet?” For information, click here.
A course on fungal skin infections entitled
“Update on Diagnosis and Treatment of Medical Mycology” will be held in Guangzhou, China, November 20-24, 2012. Many national and international experts, ao. Sybren de Hoog, Ruoyu Li and Weida Liu will give presentations. Information can be obtained from
Liyan Xi. |
In the framework of Gordon Research Conferences, a course will be held entitled “Immunology of Fungal Infections” in Galveston, TX, U.S.A., January 13-18, 2013. Full information can be obtained
Copyright © 2012. ISHAM The International Society for Human and Animal Mycology. |