ISHAM NEWS! (22-10-2012)

Dear ,

Immuno 2013, the 10th International Conference on New Trends in Immunosuppression and Immunotherapy, will be held in Barcelona, Spain, March 11-12, 2013. This is the website for all information and registration here.

An EMBO Workshop on AIDS-related Mycoses will be organized in Cape Town, South Africa, 3-5 July, 2013. For information, see here.

At the next BIT Congress on Microbes, WCM-2013, see here, also a section on medical mycology will be organized. The congress will take place in Chongqing, China, 4-6 August 2013.

Members may be interested to learn of the new educational resource called LIFE, standing for Leading Fungal Infection International. The website is a straightforward structured summary of the most important fungal diseases, fungi, diagnostics and therapies. Hopefully this will be of great use to those in training and on undergraduate or postgraduate courses. Some data on the burden of fungal disease globally is also posted and this may be useful for grant applications and your talks. News items related to global health and public health will be posted regularly (see the media section). Additional news items along these lines are most welcome from the membership.

The Belgian Society for Infectiology and Clinical Microbiology and theBelgian Society of Medical Mycology will organize a joint meeting on 8 November2012, in Brussels, Belgium. The theme is Invasive Mycoses in Non-Haematological Patients. Information and program can be found here.

The next CBS Spring Symposium entitled ‘One Fungus = Which Genes’ will be organized in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, on 10-11 April, 2013. A tentative program can be found here. During the afternoon session of 11 April the ISHAM Working Group on Nomenclature of Medical Fungi will organize its first meeting entitled: ‘A showcase of nomenclatural stability after 1F=1N’.

A pre-congress satellite meeting is organized in Utrecht, The Netherlands, on 8-9 April, 2013, by the ECMM-ISHAM Working Group on Zygomycoses, entitled ‘Emerging Zygomycetes, a new problem in the clinical lab’. The tentative program can be found here.

During the same week, a post-congress satellite workshop will be organized in Utrecht on 12-13 April, 2013, by the ISHAM Working Group Medical Barcoding. The meeting is entitled ‘The future of barcoding: getting closer, or drifting further away from clinical practice?’ Click here for the tentative program.
For all meetings scheduled during the entire week pre-registration is necessary, click here.

On February 25-27, 2013 an ASM Research Meeting will be held in Washington, U.S.A., on Biodefense and Emerging Diseases. This is the website here.

The first VITEK MS Benelux user meeting on Maldi-Tof in the Clinical Laboratory will be held in Antwerp, Belgium, on 6 November, 2012. Information can be found here.

Our information on the 3rd Southeast European Conference on Chemotherapy and Infection announced earlier needs some correction: the event venue is in Dubrovnik, Croatia, and this is the link here.

The next scientific meeting of the Netherlands Society for Medical Mycology, with the theme ‘Fungal Outbreaks’, will take place in Utrecht, The Netherlands, on 13 December, 2012. A full program will be available soon.

The Asian Mycological Congress 2013 will be organized in Beijing, China, 19-24 August, 2013. There will also be sessions on medical mycology. Click here here for further information.

Scientia Akademie of the German-language Mycological Society offers a clinical workshop on Infections in intensive medicine. This basic course will be given three times: Hamburg 12-13 November, Biberach a.d. Riss 15-16 November, and Neustadt/Weinstrasse 22-23 November. The courses are in German. For information and registration, click on the city of your choice.

Copyright © 2012. ISHAM The International Society for Human and Animal Mycology.