ISHAM NEWS! (04-02-2013)

Dear , In our previous mailing we indicated that a new year has begun which requires payment of ISHAM membership is due. If you have not paid yet, you will receive a personal reminder automatically. If you are not a member, mailing of ISHAM News will terminate as per 1 March.

This year a large number of ISHAM Working Groups organize their workshops. These workshops offer a lot of new information on the subject, at low cost, and are therefore strongly recommended.

  • 8-9 April, Utrecht, The Netherlands: the ECMM-ISHAM Working Group on Zygomycetes and Zygomycoses. Themes are clinical aspects, host responses, virulence factors and genomics. This is the website with information, registration and abstract submission.
  • 11 April, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: the ISHAM Working Group on Fungal Nomenclature will have an afternoon session as part of the CBS Spring Symposium “One Fungus / Which Gene” (10-11 April). For program and registration, click here.
  • 12-13 April, Utrecht, The Netherlands: The ISHAM working group on Barcoding Medical Fungi. New developments and revolutionary techniques are presented, and some examples of taxonomic groups will be shown. For program and registration, click here.
  • 16-18 May, Innsbruck, Austria: The ISHAM Working Group Pseudallescheria / Scedosporium Infections. The program, with information on venue, abstracts and registration is available here.
  • 2-4 October, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: The ISHAM Working Group on Sporothrix and Sporotrichosis. The program covers all aspects of this emerging disease. For registration, contact Hector Mora.
  • 28-30 November, Guangzhou, China: The ISHAM Working Groups on Black Yeasts and Chromoblastomycosis. This is the general info on the workshop; a program outline will be issued in due course.
For some remarkable radiology teaching materials for students, see a recent addition to the LIFE website, which is open access and available here. The LIFE team visited the WHO in Geneva again, this time meeting Mario Raviglione and discussing post-TB sequelae and chronic pulmonary aspergillosis. Link here. In addition ex-ISHAM President David Warnock has been appointed as a LIFE advisor, click here.
The 6th Advances Against Aspergillosis (AAA) will be hosted in Madrid, Spain, 27 Feb – 1 March, 2014. This is a major congress for anyone working with Aspergillus. Information can be found at the website here. It includes the Scientific Committee, hotel information, as well as dates for abstract and scholarship submissions. Please continue to check the website for conference updates as well as the list of faculty and the full scientific and social programs.

The ISHAM Asia Fungal Working Group has issued her first, beautiful newsletter;
it can be found here.

The next FISH: Fundamentals and Applications Workshop will be held at the Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto (FEUP), Oporto, Portugal, 18-20 July, 2013. Following a very successful workshop on FISH (Fluorescent in situ Hybridization) held in Riga (Latvia), we now present a follow-up workshop on FISH technology with a strong component of microbiology, including method development, troubleshooting and novel advances in the area. Participants also have the opportunity of a “hands on” experience of the technique in a one-day practical course. Apply quickly here as the deadline has already past. Download the flyer here.

The next SIHAM (Society for Indian Human and Animal Mycologists) meeting to be held 9-12 January, 2014 in Coimbatore, India. You may put this in your agenda already; further information will be available soon.

The 2nd meeting on biofilms will be organized in Glasgow, U.K. entitled 'Fungal Biofilms'. With emphasis on ESGB's main themes of clinics & therapeutics, diagnostics and antimicrobial resistance & susceptibility testing, the conference will contain the following preliminary sessions: Clinical implications of fungal biofilms, Pathogenesis and Inflammation, Polymicrobial biofilms, Biofilm technologies, Antifungal resistance Molecular aspects of fungal biofilms. This is the website. Download the flyer here.

The 6th international qPCR & NGS Event ‘Next Generation Thinking in Molecular Diagnostics’ will take place 18-22 March, 2013 in Munich, Germany. The symposium will focus on 70 lectures and a huge poster exhibition will be presented by internationally recognised experts in their field. The emphasis will be on unbiased, didactic information exchange. Internationally renowned speakers will be participating in a lively and exciting programme enabling the valuable exchange of information in the qPCR and Next Generation Sequencing field. Check the website here.

The Aberdeen Fungal Group at the University of Aberdeen has a vacancy for a Research Fellow to develop and evaluate a novel near-infrared reporter system to allow live imaging of Candida albicans infection progression. The position is ideally suited to an independent and highly motivated individual who holds (or has held) a UK Home Office Personal licence (or similar) and who has experience of genetic manipulation of microorganisms. Applicants should have (or working towards) a PhD in microbiology, immunology or similar and a proven record of experimental research. As this post is funded by NC3Rs it will be offered full-time for a period of 9 months. Further details can be found on the University of Aberdeen Job Page – YMS373R – or here

The journal Medical Mycology, has been published and is freely available in your member area. For your convenience we list the contents below.

Volume 51, Number 1 (January 2013)

Fungal hemolysins
Ajay P. Nayak, Brett J. Green, Donald H. Beezhold
Medical Mycology Jan 2013, Vol. 51, No. 1: 1–16.

MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry – a rapid method for the identification of dermatophyte species
Pietro Nenoff, Marcel Erhard, Jan C. Simon, Grace K. Muylowa, Jürgen Herrmann, Waldemar Rataj, Yvonne Gräser
Medical Mycology Jan 2013, Vol. 51, No. 1: 17–24.

Evaluation of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry for the identification of medically-important yeasts in the clinical laboratories of Dijon and Lille hospitals
Boualem Sendid, Patrick Ducoroy, Nadine François, Geraldine Lucchi, Sebastien Spinali, Odile Vagner, Sebastien Damiens, Alain Bonnin, Daniel Poulain, Frederic Dalle
Medical Mycology Jan 2013, Vol. 51, No. 1: 25–32.

Candida albicans and non-Candida albicans fungemia in an institutional hospital during a decade
Laurence Parmeland, Mathieu Gazon, Claude Guerin, Laurent Argaud, Jean-Jacques Lehot, Olivier Bastien, Bernard Allaouchiche, Mauricette Michallet, Stephane Picot, Anne-Lise Bienvenu
Medical Mycology Jan 2013, Vol. 51, No. 1: 33–37.

Candida glabrata: an emerging pathogen in Brazilian tertiary care hospitals
Arnaldo L. Colombo, Marcia Garnica, Luis Fernando Aranha Camargo, Clovis Arns Da Cunha, Antonio Carlos Bandeira, Danielle Borghi, Tatiana Campos, Ana Lucia Senna, Maria Eugenia Valias Didier, Viviane Carvalho Dias, Marcio Nucci
Medical Mycology Jan 2013, Vol. 51, No. 1: 38–44.

The possible mechanism of rhapontigenin influencing antifungal activity on Candida albicans
Narae Kim, Jeong-Keun Kim, Dahyun Hwang, Young-Hee Lim
Medical Mycology Jan 2013, Vol. 51, No. 1: 45–52.

Minimum inhibitory concentrations of amphotericin B, azoles and caspofungin against Candida species are reduced by farnesol
Rossana A. Cordeiro, Carlos E. C. Teixeira, Raimunda S. N. Brilhante, Débora S. C. M. Castelo-Branco, Manoel A. N. Paiva, João J. Giffoni Leite, Daniel T. Lima, André J. Monteiro, José J. C. Sidrim, Marcos F. G. Rocha
Medical Mycology Jan 2013, Vol. 51, No. 1: 53–59.

Postantifungal effect of the combination of caspofungin with voriconazole and amphotericin B against clinical Candida krusei isolates
Yasemin Oz, Abdurrahman Kiremitci, Ilknur Dag, Selma Metintas, Nuri Kiraz
Medical Mycology Jan 2013, Vol. 51, No. 1: 60–65.

Study of the epidemiology of Pneumocystis carinii f. sp. suis in abattoir swine in Portugal
Rita Esgalhado, Francisco Esteves, Francisco Antunes, Olga Matos
Medical Mycology Jan 2013, Vol. 51, No. 1: 66–71.

Increased virulence of Cunninghamella bertholletiae in experimental pulmonary mucormycosis: correlation with circulating molecular biomarkers, sporangiospore germination and hyphal metabolism
Vidmantas Petraitis, Ruta Petraitiene, Charalampos Antachopoulos, Johanna E. Hughes, Margaret P. Cotton, Miki Kasai, Susan Harrington, Maria N. Gamaletsou, John D. Bacher, Dimitrios P. Kontoyiannis, Emmanuel Roilides, Thomas J. Walsh
Medical Mycology Jan 2013, Vol. 51, No. 1: 72–82.

Detection of Paracoccidioides spp. in environmental aerosol samples
Thales Domingos Arantes, Raquel Cordeiro Theodoro, Severino Assis Da Graça Macoris, Eduardo Bagagli
Medical Mycology Jan 2013, Vol. 51, No. 1: 83–92.

Blastomyces dermatitidis septins CDC3, CDC10, and CDC12 impact the morphology of yeast and hyphae, but are not required for the phase transition
Amber J. Marty, Gregory M. Gauthier
Medical Mycology Jan 2013, Vol. 51, No. 1: 93–102.

Evaluation of fungal-specific fluorescent labeled echinocandin probes as diagnostic adjuncts
Ayiasha Pratt, Guillermo Garcia-Effron, Yanan Zhao, Steven Park, Arkady Mustaev, Shyamala Pillai, David S. Perlin
Medical Mycology Jan 2013, Vol. 51, No. 1: 103–107.

Genotyping of Pneumocystis jirovecii isolates from Chinese HIV-infected patients based on nucleotide sequence variations in the internal transcribed spacer regions of rRNA genes
Kai Li, Ai He, Wei Ping Cai, Xiao Ping Tang, Xiao Ying Zheng, Zhuo Ya Li, Xi Mei Zhan
Medical Mycology Jan 2013, Vol. 51, No. 1: 108–112.

Volume 51, Number 2 (February 2013)

Isolation and characterization of a new fungal genus and species, Aphanoascella galapagosensis, from carapace keratitis of a Galapagos tortoise (Chelonoidis nigra microphyes)
D. A. Sutton, Y. Marín, E. H. Thompson, B. L. Wickes, J. Fu, D. García, A. Swinford, T. de Maar, J. Guarro
Medical Mycology Feb 2013, Vol. 51, No. 2: 113–120.

Exposure of Aspergillus fumigatus to caspofungin results in the release, and de novo biosynthesis, of gliotoxin
Ahmed Eshwika, Judy Kelly, John P. Fallon, Kevin Kavanagh
Medical Mycology Feb 2013, Vol. 51, No. 2: 121–127.

Antifungal therapy and length of hospitalization in transplant patients with invasive aspergillosis
John W. Baddley, David R. Andes, Kieren A. Marr, Carol A. Kauffman, Dimitrios P. Kontoyiannis, James I. Ito, Mindy G. Schuster, Kyle D. Brizendine, Thomas F. Patterson, G. Marshall Lyon, Michael Boeckh, Robert A. Oster, Tom Chiller, Peter G. Pappas
Medical Mycology Feb 2013, Vol. 51, No. 2: 128–135.

An improved molecular diagnostic assay for canine and feline dermatophytosis
Claudia Cafarchia, Robin B. Gasser, Luciana A. Figueredo, Stefania Weigl, Patrizia Danesi, Gioia Capelli, Domenico Otranto
Medical Mycology Feb 2013, Vol. 51, No. 2: 136–143.

Isolation of Microsporum gallinae from a fighting cock (Gallus gallus domesticus) in Japan
Michiko Murata, Hideo Takahashi, Sana Takahashi, Yoko Takahashi, Hiroji Chibana, Yoshiteru Murata, Kazutoshi Sugiyama, Takashi Kaneshima, Sayaka Yamaguchi, Hitona Miyasato, Masaru Murakami, Rui Kano, Atsuhiko Hasegawa, Hiroshi Uezato, Atsushi Hosokawa, Ayako Sano
Medical Mycology Feb 2013, Vol. 51, No. 2: 144–149.

Caspofungin for the treatment of invasive fungal disease in hematological patients (ProCAS Study)
I. Jarque, M. Tormo, J. L. Bello, M. Rovira, M. Batlle, A. Julià, S. Tabares, C. Rivas, A. Fernández-Sevilla, R. García-Boyero, G. Debén, J. González-Campos, F. J. Capote, M. A. Sanzon behalf of the Spanish Pethema Group
Medical Mycology Feb 2013, Vol. 51, No. 2: 150–154.

Outcomes associated with amphotericin B lipid complex (ABLC) prophylaxis in high-risk liver transplant patients
Faouzi Saliba, Valérie Delvart, Philippe Ichaï, Najiby Kassis, Françoise Botterel, Liliana Mihaila, Daniel Azoulay, René Adam, Denis Castaing, StÉphane Bretagne, Didier Samuel
Medical Mycology Feb 2013, Vol. 51, No. 2: 155–163.

Frequency of fungal isolation and antifungal susceptibility pattern of the fungal isolates from nasal polyps of chronic rhinosinusitis patients at a tertiary care centre in north India
Sarika Jain, Shukla Das, Neelima Gupta, Junaid Nasim Malik
Medical Mycology Feb 2013, Vol. 51, No. 2: 164–169.

Molecular diversity of Cladophialophora carrionii in patients with chromoblastomycosis in Venezuela
Gloria M. González, O. Carolina Rojas, Virgilio Bocanegra-García, J. Gerardo González, Elvira Garza-González
Medical Mycology Feb 2013, Vol. 51, No. 2: 170–177.

The effect of silver nanoparticles and nystatin on mixed biofilms of Candida glabrata and Candida albicans on acrylic
Sónia Silva, Priscila Pires, Douglas R. Monteiro, Melyssa Negri, Luiz F. Gorup, Emerson R. Camargo, Débora B. Barbosa, Rosário Oliveira, David W. Williams, Mariana Henriques, Joana Azeredo
Medical Mycology Feb 2013, Vol. 51, No. 2: 178–184.

Blastomycosis in India: report of an imported case and current status
Harbans S. Randhawa, Anuradha Chowdhary, Shallu Kathuria, Pradip Roy, Deepti S. Misra, Sarika Jain, Tulsi D. Chugh
Medical Mycology Feb 2013, Vol. 51, No. 2: 185–192.

Renal mucormycosis complicating extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
Pierre Charles, Jean-Emmanuel Kahn, Felix Ackermann, Patrick Honderlick, Olivier Lortholary
Medical Mycology Feb 2013, Vol. 51, No. 2: 193–195.

First case of disseminated phaeohyphomycosis in an immunocompetent individual due to Alternaria malorum
Hossein Mirhendi, Mohammad JavadFatemi , Hamid Bateni, Mahboubeh Hajabdolbaghi, Mohsen Geramishoar, Bahram Ahmadi, Hamid Badali
Medical Mycology Feb 2013, Vol. 51, No. 2: 196–202.

Molecular epidemiology of dermatophytosis in Tehran, Iran, a clinical and microbial survey
Ali Rezaei-Matehkolaei, Koichi Makimura, Sybren de Hoog, Mohammad Reza Shidfar, Farideh Zaini, Mohammadreza Eshraghian, Parvaneh Adimi Naghan, Hossein Mirhendi
Medical Mycology Feb 2013, Vol. 51, No. 2: 203–207.

The Microsporum canis genome is organized into five chromosomes based on evidence from electrophoretic karyotyping and chromosome end mapping
Luciene M. Coelho, Jeny R. Cursino-Santos, Gabriela F. Persinoti, Antonio Rossi, Nilce M. Martinez-Rossi
Medical Mycology Feb 2013, Vol. 51, No. 2: 208–213.

Estimation of the incubation period of invasive aspergillosis by survival models in acute myeloid leukemia patients
Thomas Bénet, Nicolas Voirin, Marie-Christine Nicolle, Stephane Picot, Mauricette Michallet, Philippe Vanhems
Medical Mycology Feb 2013, Vol. 51, No. 2: 214–218.

Candidemia outcomes not improved with statin use
Meredith L. Welch, Angelike P. Liappis, Virginia L. Kan
Medical Mycology Feb 2013, Vol. 51, No. 2: 219–222.

Observations on ‘Allergic fungal sinusitis: innocence under suspicion’
Arunaloke Chakrabarti, Ashim Das, Bishan Radotra
Medical Mycology Feb 2013, Vol. 51, No. 2: 223–224.

Copyright © 2013. ISHAM The International Society for Human and Animal Mycology.