ISHAM NEWS! (11-03-2013)

Dear ,

The program of the next ICAAC in Denver, U.S.A., 10-13 September, 2013 is now available. Details can be found via the program planner here.

Recently a PhD Thesis on Penicillium taxonomy and phylogeny was published by Jos Houbraken. ISHAM members have a free download of this informative and colourful book in the Thesis area here.

The 4th International ISHAM-Workshop on Scedosporium will be held in Innsbruck, Austria, 16 – 18 May 2013. Participation is free of charge. Abstract submission closes very soon. Registration and abstract submission can be done via For further information please visit here.

A latest report of the ISHAM Working Group Fungiscope (December 2012) is available in the Working Group area here.

The 49th British Society for Medical Mycology (BSMM) annual meeting will be held at The County Suite, County Hotel By Thistle in Newcastle, April 14th - 16th 2013. The scientific programme, online registration and abstract information are available here.

The first International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of Antifungal Drugs and Fungal Diseases will be held on 26 April 2013 in Berlin, Germany under auspices of ESCMID. Information can be found here.

An index of authors who published in Medical Mycology in Volume 50, 2012, will be part of the on-line issue of the journal in April, but is also available on the ISHAM website here.

The Project "Molecular Biology and Proteomics of fungi of medical interest: Paracoccidioides brasiliensis and Sporothrix schenckii" at Sao Paulo, Brazil and supported by FAPESP, is offering an opportunity for a Post-Doctoral Fellowship. Information can be found here; applications are to be sent to Prof. Pires de Camargo,

Two PhD positions in the field of Microbiology / Infection Biology / Cellular Microbiology in Jena, Germany. One project will be part of the research project “Molecular Mechanisms of Candida Sepsis” within the Center for Sepsis Control and Care (CSCC) and the Hans Knöll Institute (HKI). For information and application, click here.

The 5th Congress of Asia Pacific Society for Medical Mycology (2013 APSMM), which will be take place in Chengdu, China, June 19-21, 2013, see here. The highlight of the 5th APSMM congress is joining with the 19th Annual Meeting of Chinese Society of Dermatology (CSD), 2013 International Dermatogenetics Workshop, and, 2013 International Symposium on Epigenetics and Autoimmune Diseases in the same venue, the Century City International Convention Center (CCICC). The theme of APSMM is “Translational Medical Mycology: from bedside to bench to bedside”.

Abdulla Al Hatmi, a PhD student at CBS, Utrecht, The Netherlands has started a taxonomic and phylogenetic study of medical Fusarium species. He would like to receive Fusarium strains with full clinical descriptions, and in return will offer free sequence data and eventual joint publication of case reports. The project contributes to the ISHAM Working Group Medical Fusarium convened by Anne van Diepeningen.

Emerging Microbes & Infections (EMI) is a new open access, fully peer-reviewed international journal. The purpose of EMI is to provide a forum to publish a wide range of scientific reports related to emerging infectious diseases, especially with new information from developing countries where such diseases are constantly arising and being discovered regularly. It will report discoveries of emerging microbes (bacteria, viruses, fungi and other pathogens) including their previously unknown phenotypic or genotypic characteristics, as well as cutting edge information associated with microbial mechanisms of pathogenesis, immune evasion and protection, clinical presentation and outcome, drug efficacy and its resistance, epidemiology and other issues important to global health.

Copyright © 2012. ISHAM The International Society for Human and Animal Mycology.