ISHAM NEWS! (22-05-2013)
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The XIth International Fungal Biology Conference will be organized in Karlsruhe, Germany, 29 Sept - 3 Oct., 2013. The
program contains several plenary reviews on themes in medical mycology.
The full program and registration information can be found here.
An updated program of the Course in Veterinary Mycology,
to be organized by the ISHAM Working Group on Veterinary Mycology, and
to take place in Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 4-8 November, 2013, is now
available here. For registration, click here.
Deadline for application is 15 July, 2013. |
The Scientia Akademie organizes a series of German-language workshops on Infections in Intensive Medicine. The next issues will be in
Landshut, Germany, 19-20 July, 2013, and in Osnabrueck, Germany, 16-17
August, 2013. Full information is available here.
The ISHAM Working group on Sporothrix is organizing the 1st International Meeting on Sporothrix and Sporotrichosis in Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil, 2-4 October, 2013. The registration and abstract
submission is now open. Full information can be found in the website. Note that the website has fully been renovated.
The next Spring Course of Medical Mycology of
the Institut Pasteur will be held in Paris, March 3– 28, 2014. The
course will be taught in English and is aimed to microbiologists (MDs,
PhDs and veterinarians) with previous practice in
a medical mycology laboratory. The course will be divided into
interactive lectures, bench sessions and panel discussions during 4
weeks. Application deadline is Sept. 30, 2013. For information and
registration, click here or contact cnrma@pasteur.fr.
The 47st Scientific Meeting (MYK) of the German-speaking Society of Medical Mycology will be held in Tuebingen, Germany, 5-7 September, 2013. For information and preliminary program, see here. This is one of the larger meetings in medical mycology; the major part will be in the German language.
The CBS Course Medical Mycology will be organized in Guangzhou, China, 18-29 November, 2013. Information and program can be found here. |
Directly after the CBS Course, the ISHAM Working Groups on Black Yeasts and Chromoblastomycosis will have a combined meeting in Guagngzhou, China, 29 November - 1
December, 2013, entitled "The black fungi around us - harm and benefit".
Click here for program and further information. |
The 8th European Meeting on Molecular Diagnostics is scheduled in Scheveningen, The Netherlands, 2-4 October, 2013. For information, click here. |
The 7th Iranian and
2nd International Congress of Clinical Microbiology will take place in
Shiraz, Iran on October 19-21, 2013. Participants from elsewhere in the world
are cordially invited. Information can be found here. |
Copyright © 2013. ISHAM The International Society for Human and Animal Mycology. |