ISHAM NEWS! (14-06-2013)
Dear , |
A one-day symposium on Invasive
fungal infections will be held on 20 July, 2013 at
Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, in Ponekkara, near Kochi, Kerala,
India. For information and program overview, click
here. |
The yearly scientific meeting of the Belgian Society for Human and Animal
Mycology will organize its next scientific meeting in Ophain, Belgium,
on 14 november, 2013. The theme will be: ‘Health care associated fungal
infections: epidemiology and prevention‘. The program is still in
preparation and will be announced in a subsequent ISHAM News. |
Working Group on Zygomycosis has published a special issue of the journal
Persoonia on zygomycete phylogeny. The issue is available open access
The 10th Annual
meeting of the Society
for Indian Human & Animal Mycologists (SIHAM) will be held
in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India, 10-12 January, 2014. Full information can be
A one-day workshop on clinical Fusarium and fusarioses will be held on the 9th of
January 2014 at the PSG medical college in Coimbatore, India, in
conjunction with the SIHAM conference held from 10-12 January. The
workshop will consist of a combination of short presentations
and demonstrations. For more information you can contact Savitri Sharma
( or Anne van
Diepeningen ( |
Society for General Microbiology will organize its Autumn Conference at
the University of Sussex, near Brighton, U.K., see here. The Society, together with the British Society for Medical Mycology are hosting a joint symposium on 'Fungal diseases, diagnosis and drug discovery'. |
A two day hands-on training workshop on 'Yeasts of Medical Importance'
will be held 30-31 October, 2013, in Manipal, Karnataka State,
India. For information, contact Prakesh Peralam Yegneswaran |
The 12th ASM Conference on Candida and candidiasis will be held in New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A., on March 26-30, 2014. The
program includes sessions on pathobiology, host-fungus interactions,
infection and antifungal therapy; see
here. |
from 5 continents have enrolled on the British Society for Medical
Mycology/University College London Masters programme in Medical
Mycology over the past decade. For the UCL distance learning programme,
click here. |
LIFE's (Leading International Fungal Education) has published its first newsletter. Please follow this link. Features include new figures for burdens of fungal
disease in many countries covering over 40% of the world's
population; latest diagnostic tips and the highlighted web section on
Pneumocystis pneumonia.
publications and events relating to global health and fungal infections
will be regularly posted on the LIFE website here.
The ISHAM Working groups on Black Yeasts and on Chromoblastomycosis organized a meeting in
Curitiba, Brazil, and published a special issue of the journal
‘Mycopathologia’ at this occasion, entitled: ‘The Bright Future of Darkness – The Rising Power of Black
Fungi’. The entire special issue, with research articles and reviews, is available in open access here. |
The 6th Mycology Masterclass will be held at Mantra, Salt Beach, Kingscliff, NSW, Australia, on 31 October - 2 November, 2013. For information, click here. |