9th Advances Against Aspergillosis and Mucormycosis 
Palazzo dei Congressi Lugano, Lugano, Switzerland, 27 – 29 February 2020

We are excited to once again assemble many of the leading clinicians and scientists from around the world for the 9th Advances Against Aspergillosis and Mucormycosis conference, to take place in Lugano, Switzerland from 27th to 29th February 2020. This conference has now clearly established itself as the premier forum for detailed and dedicated discussion of all aspects of Aspergillus infection and research. Beginning with the 8th conference, we have expanded to now include scientific sessions on mucormycosis pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment.

The Aspergillus field continues in a state of rapid advancement, including the publication of numerous post-genomic papers and substantial advances in translational, immunologic, epidemiologic and diagnostic research. The mucormycosis field is similarly advancing with novel studies in pathogenesis and diagnostic options. The launch of several antifungals in the last few years and anticipated clinical trials of newer compounds with novel mechanisms of action is an exciting time for mycology. Pan-azole, and echinocandin Aspergillus resistance has emerged and requires unique approaches, and combination therapy remains an important area of interest for both aspergillosis and mucormycosis. Greatly increased awareness of allergic aspergillosis has opened new opportunities for both antifungal agents and immunotherapies. New molecular strategies for diagnosis continue to make progress, and recent guidelines offer increased diagnostic insight. There is a continuing high death toll from invasive aspergillosis and mucormycosis, including patient groups not usually associated with this opportunistic infection. This meeting is another chance to gather the world’s aspergillosis and mucormycosis experts in one venue. A fundamental tenet of this colloquium continues to be to engender collaborative relationships amongst clinicians, scientists, and industry to further advance the field.

When this 9th meeting convenes, it will represent the 18th year of Advances Against Aspergillosis activity, beginning with the initial supplement in Clinical Infectious Diseases that originated in 2002. All previous 8 international meetings were overwhelmingly successful.

More details: https://aaam2020.org/