ISHAM- Sponsored Travel Grants

Only for YISHAM members!!!

ISHAM supports the attendance of 50 young Mycology researchers to INFOCUS ISHAM congress in Salvador (Brazil, Nov 13th - 16th). If you want to know what the INFOCUS Latam working group is doing, please check the working group site in our website.

ISHAM will provide 12 grants for reduced registration to young participants who are ISHAM members to attend the Fungal infections: from epidemiology to treatment - theoretical and practical aspects postgraduate Course that will be held in the Department of Genetics and Biotechnology, Faculty of Biology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece (2th of October). Please send your application together with your CV to Further information can be found here

ISHAM is providing travel grants to attend the FEBS advanced practical course “State-of-the-art alternative infection models to study molecular mechanisms of human fungal infections” which will be held on February 16 – 22, 2020, in Jena, Germany. Further information on the course website