International Pediatric Fungal Network (IPFN)


William Steinbach ( )
Brian Fisher





The IPFN is an international collaborative group of 54 centers with investigators focused on pediatric invasive fungal infections. The primary objectives are to conduct research about the epidemiology, treatment and outcomes of pediatric invasive fungal infections, to act as an expert source for clinicians regarding diagnostic and treatment strategies for children, and to serve as a cohesive vehicle for pediatric-dedicated clinical trials.


The IPFN consists of 54 contributing sites (US = 32; International = 22). Currently, there are two active studies:

  1. PEACE (Pediatric Antifungal Comparative Effectiveness; NCT01869829) is a comparative effectiveness treatment study to define the incidence of and optimal antifungal therapy for invasive candidiasis in pediatric patients. Our goal is prospectively enrolling 600 patients; we are currently ahead of target at 419 patients enrolled and completed.
  2. BIOPIC (BIOmarkers for Pediatric Invasive Candidiasis; NCT02220790) will determine if fungal biomarker assays (beta-glucan, mannan Ag/Ab, T2) can improve the time to diagnosis of invasive candidiasis and can be used to monitor response to therapy in high risk pediatric patients, as well as create a biobank of samples for future testing. We are currently on target with 156 enrolled of anticipated 500 patients.


See Report for 2016